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Printed and electronic journals

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Printed journals – current subscriptions and historical holdings
Electronic Journals – access to the electronic versions

Interlibrary loans / document supply

We will try to get the item from another library a photocopy or as an electronic document.

To make an Interlending request
Fill out the request form:     

  • Complete the form with as much information as you have.
  • Use the 'Additional Information' box to enter any other useful information.       
  • Submit the request

How long will it take?
This can vary, but using standard delivery services it can take 1-2 days for articles. More difficult requests such as recently published, old, obscure or foreign material might take longer.

Due to copyright issues you will receive a printed copy of the requested article. This will be placed into your pigeon hole, when it arrives.

Electronic journals
During their stay at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics the guests have access to the full text of electronic journals marked with a yellow or yellow/red dot. Access to the electronic journals is provided automatically without a password, provided that you are within the MPIM IP range. The remote access outside MPIM is possible through the VPN-client. To get the client installed into your laptop, contact the IT department.

Different licences
There are different types of licences ranging from parallel editions of individual print journals, to Max Planck Society wide licences and German national licences. There might be several licences for the same journal covering a different time period. Check all the links, in order to access the issue that you are interested in.

General terms of use for electronic journals in full text version
By using this service you agree to abide by the conditions established by the publisher for the use of electronic journals. Generally, access to the full texts is only permitted to the guests during their stay at the institute. The full texts of the articles are to be printed or electronically saved only for personal usage and for the purpose of teaching and research. The systematical downloading of articles, especially by "robots", is forbidden. You are not allowed to pass the articles on to third parties, neither electronically nor in any printed version.


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