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Motivic tensor-triangular geometry, III

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Paul Balmer
Mon, 13/12/2021 - 15:00 - 16:00

For zoom details please contact: Tobias Barthel, Viktoriya Ozornova, Aru Ray, Peter Teichner.

Title of mini-series: Motivic tensor-triangular geometry.
Abstract of mini-series: Tensor-triangular geometry is a geometric approach to certain classification problems in a wide variety of contexts, ranging from topology to representation theory and algebraic geometry. In a series of three talks we will introduce the audience to this approach, particularly geared towards the study of cohomological (or, "motivic") aspects of algebraic varieties. In the last few years, this has unearthed interesting structures in categories of motives which we will report.
Abstract of talk:
Building on the first talks by Gallauer and Balchin, we shall discuss what is known of the triangular spectrum of some motivic categories. After a brief tour d'horizon of motivic stable homotopy category, we shall focus on smaller, more algebraic, tensor-triangulated categories for which some progress has occurred in recent years. This will involve the work of several mathematicians.



File Motivic TT-Geometry, Part III (Bonn, on zoom).pdf2.1 MB
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