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Conference on "Algebraic Topology, in memory of Hans-Joachim Baues", October 17 - 21, 2022

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Mon, 17/10/2022 - 08:00 - Fri, 21/10/2022 - 16:00

A conference on Algebraic Topology, in memory of Hans-Joachim Baues

This conference is intended to provide an overview of current research in homotopy theory, which has vastly expanded since its roots in the 19th century from the study of topological spaces by algebraic and combinatorial means to other fields of mathematics, including algebraic geometry, differential topology, and mathematical physics.

We will have morning talks presenting comprehensive viewpoints by a selection of experts, with the afternoon dedicated to more specialized talks - all of which should be accessible to a general audience of homotopy theorists.

We are planning to hold the conference as a hybrid event. However, due to the still unpredictable course of the pandemic, we reserve the right to organisational changes.

The registration is closed.

If you have any questions, please contact conference$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de.

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Main speakers:
Clemens Berger - Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis
Carles Casacuberta - Universitat de Barcelona
Paul Goerss - Northwestern 
Drew Heard - NTNU Trondheim
Alice Hedenlund - University Uppsala
Hans-Werner Henn - Université de Strasbourg
Kathryn Hess - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Wolfgang Lueck - University of Bonn
Martin Markl - The Czech Academy of Sciences
Ieke Moerdijk - Universiteit Utrecht

Viktoriya Ozornova - Max Planck Institute for Mathematics
Doug Ravenel - University of Rochester
Birgit Richter - Universität Hamburg

Claudia Scheimbauer - TU München (online talk)
Stefan Schwede - University of Bonn

Andy Tonks - Universidad de Málaga
Sarah Whitehouse - University of Sheffield

Lior Yanovski - Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Tobias Barthel - Max Planck Institute for Mathematics
David Blanc - University of Haifa
Martin Frankland - University of Regina
Fernando Muro - University of Seville
Teimuraz Pirashvili - University of Leicester (online)
Peter Teichner - Max Planck Institute for Mathematics




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File Baues conference participant list_14.10.2022_.pdf142.65 KB
File Group photo Baues conference 2022.JPG8.97 MB
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