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Topological Elliptic Genera, II

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Mayuko Yamashita [Physical Math Seminar]
University of Kyoto and CMSA in Harvard
Thu, 05/12/2024 - 12:00 - 13:00
MPIM Lecture Hall
Parent event: 
Physical Math Seminar

There is a classical notion of elliptic genera, which assigns Jacobi forms to SU-manifolds. In this talk, I explain my work with Ying-Hsuan Lin (in preparation) to give its homotopy-theoretical refinements and variants, which we call "topological elliptic genera". The codomain becomes genuinely equivariant twisted Topological Modular Forms. In this talk, I explain the construction and physical idea behind, and discuss an application where we derive an interesting divisibility result of Euler numbers for Sp-manifolds.

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