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Counting rational points in biprojective space

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Damaris Schindler
Wed, 29/10/2014 - 14:15 - 15:15
MPIM Lecture Hall
Parent event: 
Number theory lunch seminar

So far, the circle method has been a very useful tool to prove many cases of Manin's conjecture on the number of rational points of bounded anticanonical height on Fano varieties. Work of B. Birch back in 1962 establishes this for smooth complete intersections in projective space as soon as the number of variables is large enough depending on the degree and number of equations. In this talk we are interested in subvarieties of biprojective space. There is not much known so far, unless the underlying polynomials are of bidegree (1,1). In this talk we present recent work which combines the circle method with the generalised hyperbola method developed by V. Blomer and J. Bruedern. This allows us to verify Manin's conjecture for certain smooth hypersurfaces in biprojective space of general bidegree.

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