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The Generic Arthur Packet Conjecture for Classical Groups and GSpin Groups

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Yeansu Kim
U of Iowa/MPIM
Wed, 29/07/2015 - 11:15 - 12:15
MPIM Lecture Hall
Parent event: 
Number theory lunch seminar

Recently, Heiermann and I have constructed the local Langlands parameter that
corresponds to an irreducible generic admissible representation of GSpin groups
(the generic local Langlands correspondence for GSpin groups). I further study the
structure of the L-packet which contains a generic representation (strong version of
the generic Arthur packet conjecture). The generic Arthur packet conjecture states
that if the L-packet attached to an Arthur parameter has a generic member, then
it is a tempered L-packet. If time permits, I will explain the case of classical groups
as well.

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