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Quantization formalism in Gromov-Witten theory, Part 2

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Valentin Tonita
HU Berlin/MPIM
Don, 31/08/2017 - 10:15 - 11:45
MPIM Seminar Room
Parent event: 
Extra talk

These will be two expository talks based on work by A. Givental
in the early '00s. I will introduce Gromov-Witten invariants of
a projective variety X and relations among them. Givental noticed
that in genus 0 these relations can be restated in terms of the
symplectic geometry of a Lagrangian cone lying in a symplectic
space H, and that the higher genus invariants are then obtained
by quantization formalism of infinitesimal symplectic operators
on H. I will describe the Lagrangian cone and quantization
formalisms and discuss applications.

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