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Perturbative BV-BFV theories on manifolds with boundary.

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Alberto Cattaneo
U Zürich
Thu, 28/05/2015 - 15:00 - 16:00
MPIM Lecture Hall
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Classical and quantum field theories may be thought of as appropriate functors from (some version of) the cobordism category. In this talk (based on joint work with Mnev and Reshetikhin) I will show how this can be achieved in the context of BF theories by the perturbative expansion of the BV action in the presence of a boundary. The theory associate a complex to the boundary and a cocycle (the state or partition function) to the bulk. I will show how the procedure is compatible with gluing along boundary components. This is a quantization of the classical BV-BFV theory. An outlook to the general case will be presented, time permitting.

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