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Möblierte / Löffelfertige Wohnungen in Bonn gesucht

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Kurzzeitvermietungen gesucht

Wir suchen möblierte/löffelfertige Wohnungen in der Bonner Innenstadt und direkter Umgebung
(bis zu 30 Min. zu Fuß zum Max-Planck-Institut), die auch für wenige Monate vermietet werden können

Präferenzen: Zentrum, Altstadt, Poppelsdorf, Südstadt, Weststadt, Beuel Mitte, ggf. Endenich

Hirzebruch Research Instructorships

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The Hirzebruch Research Instructorship is a three-year position established in partnership with the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics and the Mathematical Institute of the University of Bonn. The position consists of 2 years of independent research and 1 academic year of research with a moderate teaching load. The salary is competitive. The position of a HRI is offered to the most promising candidates among all the postdoc applications.

Application for the Guest Program and for postdoc positions

To apply for a stay at the MPIM, please fill out the online application form and provide all required documents. If you have any questions, please contact us at

The selection committee meets twice per year (summer and fall). The deadline for the next application round is May 24, 2025. Please note that also the letters of recommendation (two) should have been uploaded by the time of the deadline.

Application for the IMPRS Moduli Spaces

The MPIM has a joint PhD program with Bonn University, the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) on Moduli Spaces. Below you will find more information on how to apply for it.

The MPIM does not have an undergraduate or master's level program. Students who wish to pursue their studies in Germany at a pre-doctoral level should contact a German university. For instance, consider the Mathematics Department at Bonn University, which has close connections to the MPIM.

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