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202420Alexey SevostyanovQ-W-algebras, Zhelobenko operators and a proof of De Concini-Kac-Procesi conjecturempim-preprint_2024-20.pdf
202419Werner Ballmann; Panagiotis PolymerakisRandom walks in hyperbolic spaces: Martin boundaries and bisectorsmpim-preprint_2024-19.pdf
202418Catherine H. CossaboomHook length biases for self-conjugate partitions and partitions with distinct odd partsmpim-preprint_2024-18.pdf
202417Catalin Badea; Sophie GrivauxAround Furstenberg's times $p$, times $q$ conjecture: times $p$-invariant measures with some large Fourier coefficientsmpim-preprint_2024-17.pdf
202416Sergey Finashin; Viatcheslav KharlamovThe real Mordell-Weil group of rational elliptic surfaces and real lines on del Pezzo surfaces of degree $K^2=1$mpim-preprint_2024-16.pdf
202415Jan-Willem M. van Ittersum; Giulio RuzzaQuantum KdV hierarchy and shifted symmetric functionsmpim-preprint_2024-15.pdf
202414Eleni Agathocleous; Antoine Joux; Daniele TauferElliptic curves over Hasse pairsmpim-preprint_2024-14.pdf
202413Pranendu Darbar; Gopal MaitiLarge values of quadratic Dirichlet $L$-functionsmpim-preprint_2024-13.pdf
202412Yuri G. ZarhinSuperelliptic Jacobians and central simple representationsmpim-preprint_2024-12.pdf
202411Tian WangDistribution of supersingular primes for abelian surfacesmpim-preprint_2024-11.pdf
202410Andrei Bud; Richard HaburcakMaximal Brill-Noether loci via degenerations and double coversmpim-preprint_2024-10.pdf
20249Boris Kunyavskii; Ievgen Makedonskyi; Andriy RegetaBracket width of current Lie algebrasmpim-preprint_2024-9.pdf
20248Piotr Pokora; Xavier RoulleauConstruction of free arrangements using point-line operatorsmpim-preprint_2024-8.pdf
20247Tatiana Bandman; Yuri G. ZarhinJordan groups and geometric properties of manifoldsmpim-preprint_2024-7.pdf
20246Herbert Abels; Gregory A. Margulis; Gregory A. SoiferAffine groups acting properly discontinuouslympim-preprint_2024-6.pdf
20245Joseph Ansel HoisingtonEnergy-minimizing mappings of real projective spacesmpim-preprint_2024-5.pdf
20244Leonid Gorodetsky; Nikita MarkarianOn conormal Lie algebras of Feigin-Odesskii Poisson structuresmpim-preprint_2024-4.pdf
20243Lukas Kühne; Xavier RoulleauDynamical systems on some elliptic modular surfaces via operators on line arrangementsmpim-preprint_2024-3.pdf
20242Sudipta Ghosh; Zhenkun LiKnot cobordism, torsion order and framed instanton homologympim-preprint_2024-2.pdf
20241Oana Padurariu; Frederick SaiaBielliptic Shimura curves $X_0^D(N)$ with nontrivial levelmpim-preprint_2024-1.pdf
202335Matteo Ferrari; Florian Luca; Pieter MoreeOn the discriminator of Lucas sequences. IImpim-preprint_2023-35.pdf
202334Alessandro Languasco; Florian Luca; Pieter Moree; Alain TogbéSequences of integers generated by two fixed primesmpim-preprint_2023-34.pdf
202333Branko Juran; Pieter Moree; Adrian Riekert; David Schmitz; Julian VöllmeckeA proof of the corrected Sister Beiter cyclotomic coefficient conjecture inspired by Zhao and Zhangmpim-preprint_2023-33.pdf
202332Yuriy G. ZarhinNon-isogenous superelliptic jacobians IImpim-preprint_2023-32.pdf
202331Gaëtan Borot; Maksim Karev; Danilo LewanskiOn ELSV-type formulae and relations between $\Omega$-integrals via deformations of spectral curvesmpim-preprint_2023-31.pdf
202330Enno Keßler; Artan Sheshmani; Shing-Tung YauSuper Gromov-Witten invariants via torus localizationmpim-preprint_2023-30.pdf
202329Robert C. Vaughan; Yuriy G. ZarhinA note on the squarefree density of polynomialsmpim-preprint_2023-29.pdf
202328Joseph Ansel HoisingtonEnergy-minimizing mappings of complex projective spacesmpim-preprint_2023-28.pdf
202327Werner Ballmann; Sugata MondalSpectral instability of coveringsmpim-preprint_2023-27.pdf
202326Nurlan Ismailov; Ualbai UmirbaevOn a variety of right-symmetric algebrasmpim-preprint_2023-26.pdf
202325Riccardo Pengo; Daniel VallièresSpanning trees in $\mathbb{Z}$-covers of a finite graph and Mahler measuresmpim-preprint_2023-25.pdf
202324Cornelia Drutu; John M. MackayActions of acylindrically hyperbolic groups on $\ell^1$mpim-preprint_2023-24.pdf
202323Sudipta Ghosh; Steven Sivek; Raphael ZentnerRational homology 3-spheres and SL$(2, \mathbb{C})$ representationsmpim-preprint_2023-23.pdf
202322Oana PadurariuShimura curves admitting a smooth plane modelmpim-preprint_2023-22.pdf
202321Nikita Markarian; Alexander PolishchukCompatible Poisson brackets associated with elliptic curves in $G(2,5)$mpim-preprint_2023-21.pdf
202320Xun Lin; Shizhuo ZhangSerre algebra, matrix factorization and categorical Torelli theorem for hypersurfacesmpim-preprint_2023-20.pdf
202319Hugo Cattarucci BotósOn the interplay between discrete invariants of complex hyperbolic disc bundles over surfacesmpim-preprint_2023-19.pdf
202318Aleksandar Milivojevic; Jonas Stelzig; Leopold ZollerFormality is preserved under dominationmpim-preprint_2023-18.pdf
202317Enno Keßler; Artan Sheshmani; Shing-Tung YauTorus actions on moduli spaces of super stable maps of genus zerompim-preprint_2023-17.pdf
202316Misha Gekhtman; Michael Shapiro; Alek VainshteinA unified approach to exotic cluster structures on simple Lie groupsmpim-preprint_2023-16.pdf
202315Alexandre V. Kosyak; Pieter MoreeIrreducibility of the Koopman representations for the group $\text{GL}_0(2\infty,\mathbb{R})$ acting on three infinite rowsmpim-preprint_2023-15.pdf
202314Bakhyt Aitzhanova; Leonid Makar-Limanov; Ualbai UmirbaevAutomorphisms of Veronese subalgebras of polynomial algebras and free Poisson algebrasmpim-preprint_2023-14.pdf
202313Jan-Willem M. van Ittersum; Adrien SauvagetCylinder counts and spin refinement of area Siegel-Veech constantsmpim-preprint_2023-13.pdf
202312Jan-Willem M. van Ittersum; Berend RingelingCritical points of modular formsmpim-preprint_2023-12.pdf
202311Maximilian Hauck; Igor E. ShparlinskiSmooth numbers with few non-zero binary digitsmpim-preprint_2023-11.pdf
202310Samuel Crew; Ankush Goswami; Robert OsburnResurgence of Habiro elementsmpim-preprint_2023-10.pdf
20239Nathan Jones; Francesco Pappalardi; Peter StevenhagenLocally imprimitive points on elliptic curvesmpim-preprint_2023-9.pdf
20238Aleksandar MilivojevicOn the behavior of Massey products under field extensionmpim-preprint_2023-8.pdf
20237Soheyla Feyzbakhsh; Zhiyu Liu; Shizhuo ZhangNew perspectives on categorical Torelli theorems for del Pezzo threefoldsmpim-preprint_2023-7.pdf
20236Pieter Moree; Antonella Perucca; Pietro SgobbaThe distribution of the multiplicative index of algebraic numbers over residue classesmpim-preprint_2023-6.pdf
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