Postdoctoral Fellows currently working at MPIM or arriving soon.
Details | Raum | Telefon | Photo |
2023-10-01 -- 2025-09-30 Lambert A'CampoUniversity of Oxford Number Theory, automorphy lifting, Galois representations, cohomology of locally symmetric spaces | 223 | 268 | |
2023-10-01 -- 2025-01-31 Luca AccorneroMax-Planck-Institut für Mathematik Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis, Lie groupoids, higher structures, Poisson geometry, geometry of PDEs, characteristic classes | 221 | 265 | |
2024-11-01 -- 2025-10-31 Dmitrii AdlerEuler International Mathematical Institute Number Theory, Jacobi forms, Modular forms, Modular differential operators | B15 | 362 | |
2025-10-01 -- 2026-09-30 Jessica AlessandriUniversità degli Studi dell'Aquila Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, number theory, local-global problems, algebraic groups, division fields | |||
2024-09-01 -- 2025-08-31 Gabriel Angelini-KnollUniversité Paris 13, Institut Galilée Topology, Algebraic K-theory, chromatic homotopy theory, equivariant homotopy theory, syntomic cohomology | B25 | 357 | |
2023-04-01 -- 2025-03-31 Hohto BekkiMax-Planck-Institut für Mathematik Number Theory | B14 | 363 | |
2023-10-01 -- 2026-09-30 Andrea BianchiUniversity of Copenhagen Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis, Topology, Configuration spaces, Hurwitz spaces, moduli spaces, mapping class groups | 307 | 306 | |
2024-09-01 -- 2026-08-31 Thomas BlomUniversity of Copenhagen Topology, Homotopy theory, Goodwillie calculus, infinity-operads and higher category theory | B25 | 357 | |
2023-04-01 -- 2025-08-31 Guido BoscoSorbonne University p-adic Hodge theory, p-adic Langlands program | 401 | 320 | |
2024-09-01 -- 2025-08-31 Alessio BottiniUniversité Paris Saclay Algebraic Geometry, Hyper-Kähler manifolds, moduli spaces of stable sheaves, derived categories, vector bundles on hyper-Kähler manifolds | 309 | 309 | |
2025-06-01 -- 2025-07-31 Soham ChandaUniversity of Southern California Complex and Symplectic Geometry, symplectic geometry, symplectic field theory, moduli spaces | |||
2023-04-01 -- 2025-08-31 Steven CharltonUniversität Hamburg Number Theory, multiple polylogarithms, mutiple zeta values, mixed Tate motives, Goncharov's programme, Goncharov's depth conjecture, Zagier's Polylogarithm Conjecture | B11 | 364 | |
2024-07-01 -- 2025-12-31 Xujia ChenHarvard University Geometry and Topology | B21 | 366 | |
2025-03-01 -- 2025-05-31 Karthick Babu Chinnakonda Gnana MoorthyIndian Statistical Institute, Kolkata Number Theory, Multiquadratic fields, Cyclotomic fields, Discriminant, Artin's primitive root conjecture, Frobenius element | |||
2024-08-01 -- 2025-07-31 Chi Hong Chowchow[at]mpim-bonn[dot]mpg[dot]de Algebraic Geometry, geometric representation theory, mirror symmetry, Schubert calculus | 407 | 325 | |
2024-09-01 -- 2026-08-31 Michael Alexander DaasUniversity of Leiden Number Theory, p-adic modular forms, deformation theory, galois representations, RM-theory, CM-theory | 222 | 266 | |
2025-04-01 -- 2025-04-04 Sander Roland DahmenVU University of Amsterdam number theory, algebraic geometry, especially Diophantine equations, modular forms | |||
2025-05-01 -- 2025-07-31 Pranendu DarbarNorwegian University of Science and Technology Number Theory, Extreme values and distribution of Dirichlet L-functions, Moments of L-functions, Correlation of multiplicative functions, Function fields, Distribution of zeros of L-functions | |||
2025-05-01 -- 2025-08-31 Sampa DeyIndian Statistical Institute, Kolkata Number Theory, Moduli space, vector bundles, zeta function, function field, circle method | |||
2025-01-01 -- 2025-01-31 Milton EspinozaUniversidad de La Serena number theory, abelian L functions, group cocycles | 206 | 231 |
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