People currently working at MPIM or arriving soon.
Details | Room | Phone | Photo |
2023-10-01 -- 2025-09-30 Lambert A'CampoUniversity of Oxford Number Theory, automorphy lifting, Galois representations, cohomology of locally symmetric spaces | 223 | 268 | |
2023-10-01 -- 2025-01-31 Luca AccorneroMax-Planck-Institut für Mathematik Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis, Lie groupoids, higher structures, Poisson geometry, geometry of PDEs, characteristic classes | 221 | 265 | |
2024-11-01 -- 2025-10-31 Dmitrii AdlerEuler International Mathematical Institute Number Theory, Jacobi forms, Modular forms, Modular differential operators | |||
2018-10-01 -- 2024-12-31 Lory AintablianMax-Planck-Institut für Mathematik,Universität Bonn differential geometry and higher structures | 215 | 247 | |
2023-10-01 -- 2026-09-30 Stepan AleksandrovMoscow Institute of Physics and Technology Algebra, Number Theory and Logic and Geometry and Topology | Math.Inst. | 733310 | |
2024-09-01 -- 2025-08-31 Gabriel Angelini-KnollUniversité Paris 13, Institut Galilée Topology, Algebraic K-theory, chromatic homotopy theory, equivariant homotopy theory, syntomic cohomology | B25 | 357 | |
2024-09-09 -- 2024-11-30 David Benjamin AntieauNorthwestern University,University of Illinois Arithmetic Geometry, Topology, K-theory, prismatic cohomology | 204 | 237 | |
2021-09-01 -- 2025-12-31 Ko AokiMax-Planck-Institut für Mathematik,Universität Bonn K-Theory, Analytic Geometry | 404 | 227 | |
2023-04-01 -- 2026-03-31 David AretzMax-Planck-Institut für Mathematik,Universität Bonn Geometry and Topology | 215 | 247 | |
2024-07-26 -- 2024-09-30 Ferihe AtalanAtilim University Topology, surfaces, mapping class groups, curve complexes, automorphisms of mapping class groups | 316 | 315 | |
2023-10-01 -- 2024-09-30 Jacques AudibertInstitut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche Hyperbolic geometry, arithmetic groups, Anosov representations, Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis, Topology | B15 | 362 | |
2024-08-01 -- 2025-07-31 Nuno Ricardo Barroso de FreitasInstituto de Ciencias Matemáticas Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, Fermat equations, elliptic curves, Galois representations | 217 | 257 | |
2022-10-01 -- 2024-09-30 Luciana Basualdo BonattoUniversity of Oxford Topology | B17 | 369 | |
2023-04-01 -- 2025-03-31 Hohto BekkiMax-Planck-Institut für Mathematik Number Theory | B14 | 363 | |
2022-05-01 -- 2025-04-30 Daniel BermudezMax-Planck-Institut für Mathematik,Universität Bonn Algebra, Number Theory and Logic, Geometry and Topology | 225 | 253 | |
2024-04-01 -- 2027-03-31 Janina Silvana BernardyMax-Planck-Institut für Mathematik,Universität Bonn Geometry and Topology | B27 | 359 | |
2023-10-01 -- 2026-09-30 Andrea BianchiUniversity of Copenhagen Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis, Topology, Configuration spaces, Hurwitz spaces, moduli spaces, mapping class groups | 317 | 317 | |
2024-09-01 -- 2026-08-31 Thomas BlomUniversity of Copenhagen Topology, Homotopy theory, Goodwillie calculus, infinity-operads and higher category theory | B25 | 357 | |
2021-10-01 -- 2025-09-30 Lukas BonfertMax-Planck-Institut für Mathematik,Universität Bonn Algebra, Number Theory and Logic | 225 | 253 | |
2023-10-01 -- 2024-09-30 Federico BongiornoImperial College London Algebraic Geometry, stacks, formal schemes, foliations, quotients | 308 | 235 |
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