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Publications of institute members and guests

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Publications in MPG Database
Institutional Repository - PuRe

The library team is responsible for gathering all the publication data produced at the MPIM by its guests and institute members. The MPG institutional repository (PuRe) currently contains most of the peer-reviewed publications since 1997. If your publication is not listed, please send an email with publication details to the library team at

You can check here if your publication is already included in PuRe.

Information on Open Access Option for MPIM Researchers

For more detailed information please contact librarian Anu Hirvonen.

MPIM preprint series

The MPIM preprint series was established in 1983 shortly after the institute itself. You can:

Preprints on arXiv

Guests and institute members are encouraged to add a report number of the form MPIM-Bonn-<year> to their submissions. This helps us to track down MPIM publications.

Manifold Atlas Project

The mission of the Manifold Atlas is to empower and engage topologists, geometers, historians and philosophers to organize and create knowledge about manifolds and the study of manifolds. Here you can find more information about the project

Hirzebruch Collection

The Hirzebruch Collection is a media archive that collects documents, images, videos, and other resources related to the work and life of the MPIM's founding director Prof. Dr. Friedrich Hirzebruch (1927-2012). His work largely influenced the development of modern mathematics and through his personal efforts and achievements he contributed in an essential way to the reconstruction of mathematics research in Germany after World War II.

  • The collection is an ongoing process. Contributions of original documents such as personal photographs or video recordings of talks are welcome.


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