GROW@Bonn 2024 is for all students of underrepresented gender identities in mathematics, especially female students, who are interested in learning about graduate programmes and further opportunities in research, both within and outside academia. The conference is open to Bachelor and Master students from universities in Germany and neighbouring countries, including international students. It is possible to apply for funding for hotel and/or travel costs in the registration.
Talks and panels will be in English, but many of the mentors/volunteers/organisers will be able to speak in German and possibly other languages.
The conference will feature
- A plenary talk;
- Research talks by faculty and PhD students;
- Panel discussions about graduate research in the mathematical sciences;
- Networking and mentoring opportunities;
- Advice on preparing applications for graduate school (Master and PhD).
All interested students must register beforehand (registration form will follow), regardless of whether you are applying for funding. Confirmed participants will be notified by email.
We are currently looking for local mathematicians who would like to come and chat with our participants at GROW@Bonn 2024. Please register here to volunteer.
In case you have any questions, please contact conference$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de.
As of February 14, 2024 the registration is closed.
Plenary speaker
Kathryn Hess Bellwald (EPFL)
photo: Eddy Mottaz at Le Temps
Kathryn Hess Bellwald is a distinguished mathematician known primarily for her contributions to the fields of algebraic topology and category theory. She has also pioneered groundbreaking new ways to apply techniques from pure mathematics to materials science and the life sciences. Hess received her PhD in 1989 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and since 1991 has been affiliated with École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), where she is now a full professor. She is also an associate vice-president for student affairs and outreach and has won numerous accolades for her outstanding teaching abilities. In 2017, Hess was named a fellow of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and received an award as a distinguished speaker of the European Mathematical Society (EMS). In 2021, she spoke at the European Congress of Mathematics (ECM). She was the recipient of the de la Vallée Poussin Chair at UCLouvain in 2023. Recently, the Association of Women in Mathematics (AWM) has honoured Hess’ commitment to improving gender diversity in mathematics by selecting her as a 2024 AWM Fellow.
Further speakers and panelists
Lory Aintablian (BIGS / MPIM Bonn)

Lynn D’eer (imec / University of Antwerp)

Elena Demattè (University of Bonn)

Gianne Derks (Universiteit Leiden)

Jessica Fintzen (University of Bonn)

photo:Volker Lannert
Jens Funke (Durham University / MPIM Bonn)

Philipp Hieronymi (University of Bonn)

photo:Volker Lannert
Antje Kiesel (University of Bonn)

Laura Maaßen (Comma Soft)

Ashkan Nikeghbali (University of Zürich)

Viktoriya Ozornova (MPIM)

photo:Volker Lannert
Oana Padurariu (MPIM)

Luise Puhlmann (University of Bonn)

Leonie Scherer (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)

Katrin Wehrheim (UC Berkeley / MPIM Bonn)

Annette Werner (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)

Don Zagier (MPIM Bonn)

Organising committee
Pieter Belmans (University of Luxembourg)
Yajnaseni Dutta (University of Leiden)
Regula Krapf (University of Bonn)
Dominique Mattei (University of Bonn)
Arunima Ray (MPIM Bonn)
Emanuel Reinecke (IAS)
Laura Wakelin (MPIM Bonn)
Here you can find a map of locations relevant for the conference.
Previous iterations of GROW took place at
- HCM (2023)
- Duke University (2022)
- University of Bonn (2022)
- University of Illinois at Chicago (2021)
- University of Chicago (2020)
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2019)
- University of Michigan (2018)
- Northwestern (2015-17)
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