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Researcher & PR coordinator

Christian Blohmann

Researcher & PR Coordinator

Born in 1971. Studies of Physics and Mathematics in Konstanz, Paris, and Göttingen. Diplom University of Göttingen 1997. PhD Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich 2001, advised by Julius Wess. Postdoc Max Planck Institute for Physics 2002 and Jacobs University Bremen 2003-2004. Marie Curie Fellow with Alan Weinstein and Lecturer UC Berkeley 2005-2007. Akademischer Rat with Uli Bunke 2008-2009 and Vertretungsprofessur (temporary chair) University of Regensburg 2009-2010. Researcher (permanent) at MPI for Mathematics since 2010.

Interests: Differential geometry, higher categories, mathematical physics

More information on Christian Blohmann's Personal homepage

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