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What is the [Categorical] Weil Representation?

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Shamgar Gurevich
U of Wisconsin - Madison/MPI
Die, 01/07/2014 - 14:00 - 15:00
MPIM Lecture Hall

 Given a symplectic vector space V over a finite field (of odd characteristic) one can construct a "quantum" Hilbert space H(L) attached to a Lagrangian subspace L in V.  In addition, one can construct a Fourier Transform

F(M,L}: H(L)→H(M),
for every pair of Lagrangians (L,M), such that
for every triples (L,M,N) of Lagrangians. This can be used to construct a canonical model H(V) for the famous Weil representation of the symplectic group Sp(V). 
In the lecture I will give elementary introduction to the above constructions, and discuss the categorification of these Fourier transforms, what is the related sign problem, and what is its solution. The outcome is a natural category acted by the algebraic group G=Sp, obtaining the categorical Weil representation.
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