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Workshop on Homotopy theory, manifolds, and field theories

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Haynes Miller, Stefan Schwede, Peter Teichner
Mon, 15/06/2015 (All day) - Fre, 19/06/2015 (All day)
MPIM Lecture Hall

Program and Abstracts

This workshop is part of our Trimester Program at the Hausdorff Institute (HIM)

We are inviting selected speakers to expose their current work, related to the themes of the program. In addition to the HIM members and the Bonn topology community, our limited capacity only allows for about 20 outside participants and we now solicit applications.  By registering below, you can apply for participation/funding.

In order to help planning this event, we ask every participant to register, even if you are at Uni Bonn, HIM or MPIM.

Haynes Miller : "Localization in Homotopy Theory" lecture notes and video are now available. NEW

Confirmed Speakers

Benjamin Antieau (Washington)
Gregory Arone (Virginia)
Arthur Bartels (Münster)
Tobias Barthel (MPIM)
John Francis (Northwestern)
Owen Gwilliam (MPIM)
Akhil Mathew (Berkeley)
Thomas Nikolaus (Bonn)
Charles Rezk (Urbana)
Claudia Scheimbauer (MPIM)
Chris Schommer-Pries (MPIM)
Hiro Tanaka (Harvard)
Nathalie Wahl (Kopenhagen)


To register please use the registration webform. There is no registration fee.

Financial support

Limited financial support is available. If you need support, please add a request on your registration webform with a brief justification. Please note that the workshop is relatively local in scope, so that we might be able to cover your accommodation but probably not your travel expenses.

Practical information

For practical information such as how to get to the institute and a list of hotels see here.

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