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Triple product formula and applications to subconvexity bound and mass equidistributions

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Yueke Hu
U of Wisconsin-Madison/MPIM
Mit, 07/10/2015 - 14:00 - 15:00
MPIM Lecture Hall
Parent event: 
Number theory lunch seminar

Triple product formula relates the integral of a product of three
automorphic forms, with the special value of triple product L-function and
local integrals at ramified places. Before my work, not much was known for
the local integrals with ramifications. But they are important for many
applications. I will talk about my work on explicit computations and upper
bounds of the local integrals for very general ramifications. Such results
can be applied to prove the subconvexity bound of triple product L-function
in level aspect, and mass equidistribution on modular curve of level N.

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