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Aspherical homology manifolds

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Tibor Macko
U Bonn
Mon, 04/07/2016 - 16:30 - 18:00
MPIM Lecture Hall
Parent event: 
MPIM Topology Seminar

The Farrell-Jones conjecture implies the Borel conjecture for aspherical topological manifolds
which is a uniqueness statement: every homotopy equivalence of aspherical manifolds is
homotopic to a homeomorphism (the dimension has to be at least 5). There is also a corresponding
existence question: let G be a discrete torsion-free group such that BG has an n-dimensional model
which is a Poincare duality space. Is there a manifold model for BG? This question is currently open
even if the Farrell-Jones conjecture for G is known. The Farrell-Jones conjecture only implies the
existence of an ANR homology manifold model for BG. The question whether it can be improved
to be a manifold is a-priori obstructed by the Quinn resolution obstruction (again assume dimension
at least 5). In the talk I will survey the definition and some of the properties of the Quinn
resolution obstruction and related concepts.

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