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Quantization of bialgebras via factorization cohomology

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Gregory Ginot
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Die, 16/08/2016 - 14:00 - 15:00
MPIM Lecture Hall

We will discuss an approach to deformation quantization of Lie bialgebras similar to Kontsevich/Tamarkin formality for quantization of Poisson manifolds.
The idea is to prove that  deformation complex of (homotopy, conilpotent) dg-bialgebras B is equivalent to the deformation complex of a functorial little disk
algebra associated to B. This later complex is factorization cohomology (or higher Hochschild cohomology) and has a homotopy Lie algebra structure given
by Deligne conjecture which controls the quantization and can be studied explicitly in certain important cases. This is joint work with Sinan Yalin.

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