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Neuigkeiten über das MPI für Mathematik und die Menschen, die hier arbeiten

Breakthrough in the Geometric Langlands program

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Proposed by Robert Langlands in the 1960s, the eponymous program is one of the largest projects in modern mathematic and it consists of different branches. Over the years, the MPIM has gained a reputation as one of the hubs for the Langlands program. We are proud that MPIM Director Dennis Gaitsgory led a nine-person team of mathematicians that settles the geometric Langlands conjecture. The proof is the culmination of a research program that spanned three decades.

Ana Caraiani Awarded Max Planck Fellowship

Ana Caraiani, who holds the Hausdorff Chair at the University of Bonn, is newly appointed Max Planck Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics. The Max Planck Fellowship is a prestigeous honor bestowed on outstanding university professors by the Max Planck Society for a limited term of 5 years. The fellows receive funds to build up a small research group at the host institute. The goal is to promote cooperation between university faculty and Max Planck Society researchers.

Pius XI Medal Awarded to Peter Scholze

Peter Scholze, director at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics and professor at the University of Bonn, was awarded the Pius XI Gold Medal 2020 by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. The medal is awarded every two years to a young scientist under the age of 45, chosen for his or her exceptional promise. After Luis A. Caffarelli (1988), Laure Saint-Raymond (2004), and Cédric Villani (2014), Peter Scholze is only the fourth mathematician to receive this honor.

Peter Scholze Elected Foreign Member of the Royal Society

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Peter Scholze, director at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics and professor at the University of Bonn, was elected Foreign Member of the Royal Society.

Official announcement of the Royal Society

ERC Starting Grant for Tobias Barthel

Tobias Barthel, advanced researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, has received a prestigeous ERC starting grant for his project on the "spectral geometry of higher categories". The total budget of the grant is 1.5 million euros for the project duration of 5 years. The eleven Max Planck grantees are among the 397 young researchers who received an ERC Starting Grant in 2021.

The European Research Council (ERC) is the premier European funding organisation for excellent frontier research. It funds creative researchers of any nationality and age, to run projects based across Europe. The ERC offers four core grant schemes: Starting Grants, Consolidator Grants, Advanced Grants and Synergy Grants. The ERC is led by an independent governing body, the Scientific Council. Its prestigeous grants are awarded anually.

Don Zagier Receives Fudan-Zhongzhi Science Award 2021

The Fudan-Zhongzhi Science Award 2021 is awarded jointly to Don Zagier and Benedict Gross for "their formulation and proof of the Gross-Zagier formula, which relates the height of Heegner points with the central derivatives of the zeta function of the corresponding elliptic curves. They established striking cases of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, which brought many applications to long-standing problems, and deeply influenced the development of number theory in recent decades." The prize committee also recognized Don Zagier's "profound work on modular forms and special functions which resolve questions and problems in diverse areas ranging from topology and moduli spaces to geometry and mathematical physics."

Dennis Gaitsgory New Director at MPIM

Dennis Gaitsgory is a newly appointed director at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn. He will join the three active directors Gerd Faltings, Peter Teichner, and Peter Scholze in July 2021.

Dennis Gaitsgory was Born in 1973 in Moldava, a republic of the Soviet Union at the time. He studied at Tel Aviv University under Joseph Bernstein from 1990–1996, where he received his doctorate in 1997 for a thesis on "Automorphic Sheaves and Eisenstein Series". In the academic years 1996/97 and 1998/99 he was at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. In 2001 he became Associate Professor at the University of Chicago before joining the faculty of Harvard University in 2005.

Danica Kosanović Receives Hausdorff Memorial Prize

Danica Kosanović is one of the two prize winners of the Hausdorff Memorial Prize for the best PhD thesis in mathematics at the University of Bonn in 2019/2020. In her thesis on “A geometric approach to the embedding calculus knot invariants”, which was supervised by Peter Teichner, she proved a 30 year old conjecture about invariants of classical knots.

From Bonn to... Berlin. Interview with Gaëtan Borot about his time at MPIM and his new position

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Gaëtan Borot studied at the ENS Paris and finished his PhD with Bertrand Eynard in theoretical physics at CEA Saclay in 2011. After two years as postdoc in Geneva and a visit of MIT, he joined the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in 2014 as Advanced Researcher (W2). In the Fall of 2020 he has moved to a chair at the Humboldt University in Berlin. He is working on the combinatorial and algebraic structures of quantum field theory and is best known for his contributions to topological recursion for which he has received the Dubrovin Medal of 2020. Christian Blohmann had a conversation with him about his new position and his time in Bonn.

Blohmann: How is your new job?

Lisa Piccirillo Recipient of the Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize 2021

Lisa Piccirillo, postdoctoral visitor at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, is one of the first three recipients of the newly inaugurated Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize Awarded to Women Mathematicians for Early-Career Achievements. She is awarded the prize for resolving the classic problem that the Conway knot is not smoothly slice.

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