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Sergiy Kolyada (Institute of Mathematics, NASU), Martin Möller (Frankfurt University), Pieter Moree (MPIM) and Thomas Ward (Durham University)
Sun, 01/06/2014 (All day) - Thu, 31/07/2014 (All day)
We propose bringing together researchers in ergodic theory, topological dynamics, number theory, and combinatorics who are interested in similar problems from very different perspectives, with the ultimate goal of elucidating the nature of the links among these fields. There was a conference in the final week (July 21-25, 2014).
Sergiy Kolyada skolyada$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de
Pictures of the activity can be found here
List of participants
Aulicino, David (University of Illinois) | Bainbridge, Matthew (Indiana University) |
Bilu, Yuri (Université Bordeaux 1) | Blokh, Alexander (University of Alabama at Birmingham) |
Boshernitzan, Michael (Rice University) | Bowen, Lewis (University of Texas at Austin) |
Bruin, Henk (University of Vienna) | Bufetov, Alexander (Rice University) |
Cellarosi, Francesco (University of Illinois) | Chaika, Jon (University of Chicago) |
Chung, Phu (MPI MIS) | Danilenko, Alexandre (ILTPE, NASU) |
Delecroix, Vincent (Université Bordeaux 1) | Deninger, Christopher (University of Muenster) |
Downarowicz, Tomasz (Wroclaw University of Technology) | Einsiedler, Manfred (ETH Zurich) |
Eisner, Tanja (University of Leipzig) | Eskin, Alex (University of Chicago) |
Filip, Simion (University of Chicago) | Fish, Alexander (University of Sydney) |
Fraczek, Krzysztof (Nicolaus Copernicus University) | Frantzikinakis, Nikos (University of Crete) |
Gekhtman, Ilya (University of Chicago) | Gorodnik, Alexander (University of Bristol) |
Huang, Wen (University of Science and Technology of China) | Hubert, Pascal (Universite Aix-Marseille III) |
Jäger, Tobias (Technical University of Dresden) | Juschenko, Kate (Northwestern University) |
Kappes, André (Frankfurt University) | Karpel, Olena (ILTPE, NASU) |
Kawan, Christoph (Augsburg University) | Kempton, Tom (Utrecht University) |
Kesseböhmer, Marc (University of Bremen) | Kim, Dong Han (Donngguk University) |
Kravchenko, Rostyslav (University of Chicago) | Kwietniak, Dominik (Jagiellonian University in Krakow) |
Li, Jian (Shantou University) | Marchese, Luca (Université Paris 13) |
Marklof, Jens (Bristol University) | Marmi, Stefano (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) |
Matviichuk, Mykola (University of Toronto) | McMullen, Curtis (Harvard University) |
Misiurewicz, Michal (IUPUI) | Mohammadi, Amir (University of Texas) |
Nekrashevych, Volodymyr (Texas A&M University) | Oprocha, Piotr (AGH University of Science and Technology) |
Ostafe, Alina (University of New South Wales) | Petrykiewicz, Izabela (Institut Fourier) |
Pohl, Anke (University of Göttingen) | Pollicott, Mark (Warwick University) |
Sahlsten, Tuomas (Hebrew University) | Serafin, Jacek (Wroclaw University of Technology) |
Shapira, Uri (Technion, Israel) | Sharp, Richard (University of Warwick) |
Shparlinski, Igor (University of New South Wales) | Snoha, L'ubomir (Matej Bel University) |
Stratmann, Bernd (University of Bremen) | Ulcigrai, Corinna (University of Bristol) |
Valdez-Lorenzo, Ferran (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) | Vinogradov, Ilya (University of Bristol) |
Vishe, Pankaj (University of York) | Vytnova, Polina (University of Warwick) |
Weil, Steffen (ETH Zürich) | Zhang, Guo Hua (Fudan University) |
Zograf, Peter (Steklov Mathematical Institute) | Zorich, Anton (Université Paris 7) |
and interested members of the permanent Scientific staff of the HIM/MPIM/University of Bonn.
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