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Non-Abelian Lie algebroids over jet spaces

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Arthemy Kiselev
Johann Bernoulli Inst., Groningen
Tue, 01/04/2014 - 14:00 - 15:00
MPIM Lecture Hall
We associate Hamiltonian homological evolutionary vector fields  - which are the non-Abelian variational Lie algebroids' differentials - with Lie algebra-valued zero-curvature representations for partial
differential equations. At the same time, we explain why the (quantum) gauge cohomology groups arising from the BV-model for the variational Lie algebroid master-functional are equipped with a structure of usual,
non-variational Lie algebroid.
   The talk is based on the recent paper 1305.4598 (joint with A.Krutov).
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