University of California at Berkeley
Tue, 16/06/2015 - 15:00 - 16:00
A general Galois descent question in algebraic K-theory asks
when the K-theory of stable infinity-categories commutes (after some
localization) with homotopy fixed points for finite group actions. In
joint work with Niko Naumann and Justin Noel, we approach this
question using "derived induction and restriction theory" in the
category of equivariant spectra. A key ingredient is a (proved)
conjecture of J.P. May which states that the nilpotence of elements in
H-infinity-ring spectra can be detected using integral homology. This
yields an efficient tool for proving that E-infinity-algebras in
G-spectra are nilpotent with respect to a family of subgroups. When
applied to equivariant versions of algebraic K-theory, we prove
various descent results in algebraic K-theory as well as an analog of
Mitchell's theorem for K(KU) at p = 2, 3