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Perturbation of formality for universal envelopping algebras

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Olivier Elchinger
Luxembourg Univ.
Mon, 30/11/2015 - 14:00 - 15:00
MPIM Lecture Hall
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In 1997, Kontsevich proved his formality result for symmetric algebras, implying that every Poisson manifold has a deformation quantization. We study the case of enveloping algebras of Lie algebras, for the examples of free algebras, the Lie algebra so(3), and the Heisenberg algebra. We show that for these examples, there is no formality in Kontsevich's sense, but with a perturbation, there is a L-infinity morphism between the cohomology and the chain complex. We compute the cohomology of these algebras and proceed to the construction of said L-infinity morphism.

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