Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorems: homotopical and effective computational methods for universal envelopes
In joint work with V. Dotsenko, we developed a categorical framework for Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt type theorems about universal enveloping algebras of various algebraic structures, and used methods of term rewriting for operads to obtain new PBW theorems, in particular answering an open question of J.-L. Loday. Later, in joint work with A. Khoroshkin, we developed a formalism to study Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt type theorems for universal envelopes of algebras over differential graded operads, motivated by the problem of computing the universal enveloping algebra functor on dg Lie algebras in the homotopy category. Our formalism allows us, among other things, to obtain a homotopy invariant version of the classical Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem for universal envelopes of Lie algebras, and extend Quillen's quasi-isomorphism C(g) ---> BU(g) to homotopy Lie algebras. I will survey and explain the role homological algebra, homotopical algebra, and effective computational methods play in the main results obtained with both V. Dotsenko (1804.06485) and A. Khoroshikin (2003.06055) and, if time allows, explain a new direction in which these methods can be used to study certain operads as universal envelopes of pre-Lie algebras.
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