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Resurgence with quasi-modularity: outperforming Ramanujan

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David Broadhurst
Open University, UK
Wed, 14/08/2024 - 16:30 - 18:00
MPIM Lecture Hall
Parent event: 
Physical Math Seminar

I describe recent progress on two intriguing problems. The first concerns improvements on Ramuajan's evaluation of odd zeta values, by expansion in $\exp (-2 \pi) < 1/535$. The second concerns a study of resurgence in the asymptotic expansion of Lambert series, where easily computable perturbative terms are accompanied by non-perturbative corrections in $\exp (-1/x)$ at small $x$. I shall explain how the pioneering work of Spencer Bloch, Pierre Vanhove and Matt Kerr, on elliptic polylogarithms from Feynman integrals, led to progress on both problems, by exploiting quasi-modularity.

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