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Program on Higher Structures in Geometry and Physics

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Michael Batanin (Macquarie University), Christian Blohmann (MPIM), Ralph Kaufmann (Purdue), Martin Markl (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Fri, 01/01/2016 - 08:00 - Thu, 31/03/2016 - 22:00

Background and goal

One of the classical prerogatives of mathematics is to understand, distinguish and classify its objects. This is favorably achieved by considering naturally appearing additional structures. In recent times, great progress has been made on this front. These leaps in understanding have been so successful, that there is a growing need to understand the different structures themselves and their interplay using higher or meta-structures. Examples from this can be found in algebra, geometry and physics, such as higher homotopies and coherences, the objects governing these, the use of higher categories in quantum field theory and derived algebraic and differential geometry. These higher structures also appear in the very foundations of mathematics in the guise of univalent foundations and homotopy type theory.

The activity aims to bring together researchers from the various areas above that are working on related and interlinked problems albeit so far in their own respective languages. The intention is an exchange of techniques and ideas which will aid current research and help to focus and shape future directions.

Related events

There will be an opening conference in the week January 18-22, a workshop on homotopy type theory and higher structures in the second week of February (Feb. 10-14) and a closing conference on March 18-22.

Advisory board

Y. Manin, P. Teichner



Surname, Name Arrival Departure
Berger, Clemens 01.02.2016 29.02.2016
Bergner, Julia 06.03.2016 19.03.2016
Blanc, David 07.02.2016 20.02.2016
Breen, Lawrence 14.01.2016 13.02.2016
Cartier, Pierre 09.01.2016 27.02.2016
Casacuberta, Carles 17.01.2016 29.01.2016
Curien, Pierre-Louis 07.02.2016 19.02.2016
Davydov, Alexei 01.03.2016 31.03.2016
Dotsenko, Vladimir 08.02.2016 08.03.2016
Doubek, Martin 18.01.2016 21.02.2016
Durov, Nicolai 07.02.2016 20.02.2016
Fiore, Marcelo 07.02.2016 13.02.2016
Fiore, Marcelo 13.03.2016 26.03.2016
Fregier, Yael 01.01.2016 31.01.2016
Fresse, Benoit 07.02.2016 26.02.2016
Galvez Carrillo, Maria Immaculada 04.02.2016 23.03.2016
Gambino, Nicola 18.01.2016 31.01.2016
Ganter, Nora 01.01.2016 31.01.2016
Garner, Richard 01.02.2016 14.02.2016
Getzler, Ezra 04.03.2016 25.03.2016
Gorbunov, Vassily 01.03.2016 31.03.2016
Hinich, Vladimir 01.02.2016 21.02.2016
Hoffbeck, Eric 15.02.2016 26.02.2016
Hofstra, Pieter Jan  06.02.2016 15.02.2016
Joyal, André 15.01.2016 23.03.2016
Jurco, Branislav 01.02.2016 26.02.2016
Kapranov, Mikhail 10.01.2016 24.01.2016
Kock, Joachim 07.02.2016 20.02.2016
Lack, Stephen 16.01.2016 29.01.2016
Le Grignou, Brice 01.02.2016 29.02.2016
Livernet, Muriel 01.02.2016 13.02.2016
Makkai, Michael 01.01.2016 31.03.2016
Maltsiniots, Georges 15.01.2016 29.02.2016
Millés, Joan 28.02.2016 12.03.2016
Moerdijk, Ieke 17.01.2016 19.02.2016
Muro, Fernando 17.01.2016 31.01.2016
Neeman, Amnon 08.02.2016 23.03.2016
Paoli, Simona 01.01.2016 31.01.2016
Porter, Timothy 10.03.2016 24.03.2016
Remm, Elisabeth 22.02.2016 04.03.2016
Riehl, Emily 04.01.2016 23.01.2016
Ronco, Maria Ofelia 07.02.2016 20.02.2016
Rosicky, Jiri 01.03.2016 31.03.2016
Roytenberg, Dmitry 04.01.2016 08.01.2016
Salvatore, Paolo 07.02.2016 21.02.2016
Schlichenmaier, Martin 06.03.2016 12.03.2016
Schreiber, Urs 01.01.2016 31.03.2016
Sinha, Dev Parakash 11.02.2016 20.02.2016
Spitzweck, Markus 02.03.2016 23.03.2016
Streicher, Thomas 07.02.2016 27.02.2016
Tamarkin, Dmitry 17.03.2016 31.03.2016
Toen, Bertrand 01.03.2016 31.03.2016
Tonks, Andrew 04.02.2016 23.03.2016
Vallette, Bruno 01.01.2016 31.03.2016
van den Berg, Benno 01.02.2016 14.02.2016
van der Bergh, Michel 03.01.2016 30.01.2016
Vershinin, Vladimir 16.01.2016 15.02.2016
Vezzosi, Gabriele 06.03.2016 12.03.2016
Voevodsky, Vladimir 06.02.2016 04.03.2016
Ward, Benjamin 15.03.2016 29.03.2016
Weber, Mark 12.01.2016 15.02.2016
White, David Andrew 05.03.2016 20.03.2016
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