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Eisenstein cohomology and automorphic $L$-functions

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Neven Grbac
University of Rijeka, Croatia
Thu, 09/06/2016 - 11:00 - 12:00
MPIM Lecture Hall

During the past ten years of the most inspiring and very fruitful collaboration with Joachim Schwermer,
we have carefully studied the non-vanishing conditions for certain summands in the decomposition
along the cuspidal support of the (square-integrable) Eisenstein cohomology of a reductive group over
a number field. These conditions form a subtle combination of geometric conditions, arising from
cohomological considerations, and arithmetic conditions, arising from the analytic properties of
Eisenstein series and given in terms of automorphic $L$-functions. In the talk I will give a survey
of the most important results of our long-lasting collaboration.

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