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Application for the IMPRS Moduli Spaces


Since 1st of December 2011 the IMPRS shares an online application
website with its partner Bonn International Graduate School Mathematics:

In addition to CV, statement of purpose, degrees and academic records,
proficiency in English and 2 letters of recommendation, which you should
submit at the online application website, we ask you for a copy of your
Bachelor's or Master's thesis if available (electronic version
prefered). Send this to:




Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics
P.O. Box 7280
D-53072 Bonn

Important Notes

  • Visa: Students from most countries outside the European Union will have to apply for a visa to study in Germany. For details, ask the nearst German Embassy or Consulate, advisably before you send the application. Usually you must submit a letter from us stating that you are accepted, and a proof of financial support (e.g. award of IMPRS scholarship).
  • The deadline for the summer term is November 30. The deadline for the winter term is April 15 (new). Applications will be considered by a Committee. Expect an answer within four weeks after the deadline.


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