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Natalya Iyudu
The University of Edinburgh/MPIM
Tue, 10/12/2019 - 14:00 - 15:00
MPIM Lecture Hall
Parent event:
Seminar on Algebra, Geometry and Physics We formulate the notion of pre-Calabi-Yau structure via the higher cyclic Hochschild complex and study its cohomology.
A small quasi-isomorphic subcomplex in higher cyclic Hochschild complex gives rise to the graphical calculus of $\xi\partial$-monomials.
Within this calculus we are able to give a nice combinatorial formulation of the Lie structure on the corresponding Lie subalgebra.
A small quasi-isomorphic subcomplex in higher cyclic Hochschild complex gives rise to the graphical calculus of $\xi\partial$-monomials.
Within this calculus we are able to give a nice combinatorial formulation of the Lie structure on the corresponding Lie subalgebra.
Then using basis of $\xi\partial$-monomials and employing elements of Groebner bases theory we prove homological purity of the
higher cyclic Hochschild complex and as a consequence obtain $L_\infty$-formality. This is based on a joint work with M. Kontsevich.
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