Conference on "Homology Growth in Topology and Group Theory", May 13 - 17, 2024
Homology growth is an umbrella term for a number of invariants associated to a topological space. In their simplest incarnation, they measure the growth of Betti numbers in finite covers of the space. Over the years, homology growth became a central topic in group theory and geometric topology. It connects various topological and geometric phenomena, especially in low-dimensional manifolds, with analytically or combinatorially defined invariants, like L^2-Betti numbers. In particular, homology growth plays a central role in controlling the existence of fiberings, over the circle in the topological setting, and over the integers in the algebraic one. The motivation and guiding principles come from the theory of 3-manifolds.Inspired by Agol's resolution of Thurston's Virtual Fibering Conjecture, homology growth and related ideas have been very recently used both in the algebraic setting of cubulated groups, and in higher dimensional negatively curved manifolds. This conference aims to bring together people behind these recent developments, provide an overview of the field and help formulate a coherent system of conjectures to guide us in the years to come.
In case you have any questions, please contact hogro2024$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de.
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Confirmed speakers
Karim Adiprasito (IMJ-PRG)
Sam Fisher (University of Oxford)
Mikolaj Fraczyk (Jagiellonian University, Krakow / Discuri Centre)
Lukasz Grabowski (Universität Leipzig)
Sam Hughes (University of Oxford)
Giovanni Italiano (University of Oxford)
Andrei Jaikin-Zapirain (UAM)
Kasia Jankiewicz (UC Santa Cruz)
Holger Kammeyer (Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf)
Steffen Kionke (FernUniversität in Hagen)
Monika Kudlinska (University of Oxford)
Ian Leary (University of Southampton)
Clara Löh (Universität Regensburg)
Wolfgang Lück (Universität Bonn)
Boris Okun (UW Milwaukee)
Jean Raimbault (Université d'Aix-Marseille)
Kevin Schreve (LSU Baton Rouge)
Gangotryi Sorcar (KIT)
Matthew Stover (Temple University)
Grigori Avramidi (MPIM Bonn)
Dawid Kielak (University of Oxford)
Roman Sauer (KIT)
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