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Conference on "Arithmetic Statistics, Automorphic Forms and Ergodic Methods"

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Mon, 24/04/2023 - 09:00 - Fri, 28/04/2023 - 16:00

Conference on "Arithmetic Statistics, Automorphic Forms and Ergodic Methods", April 24 - 28, 2023

The field of arithmetic statistics is a fast-moving area of number theory, dealing with distributional results for many basic and important objects: ranks of elliptic curves, central values of L-functions, number fields, modular symbols, orbits of discrete groups etc. The techniques involved come from diverse areas of mathematics e.g. automorphic forms, ergodic theory, spectral theory, dynamical systems, probabilistic number theory, representation theory and random matrix theory. This workshop intends to bring together researchers of all career levels to present their work and exchange ideas and techniques on arithmetic statistics. Motivated by the  programme of Mazur and Rubin based on their computational study of elliptic curves over abelian extensions of fixed degree, the meeting will focus on modular symbols, Manin's noncommutative modular symbols, equidistribution of lattice points on the sphere, Heegner points, and closed geodesics, including the error term in the Prime Geodesic Theorem.

There will be invited talks lasting 50 or 25 minutes and other events aimed at facilitating discussions among participants.

In case you have any questions, please contact aristat$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de.

Financial support

We encourage participants to seek external funding, so that the limited financial support available can be primarily used for early career mathematicians. In case you do need financial support, you can indicate this in the registration form.


As of November 30, 2022 the registration is closed. The total number of participants is limited and, after the deadline, we will inform the registered participants in January 2023 if participation is possible.

Hotels nearby

For a list of hotels near the MPIM, please see here.

Hotel scam alert: There is a hotel scam going around contacting people from conferences regarding accommodation. Please DO NOT reply to them or give out any credit card/personal information! We do not work with any travel agencies and we will only contact you through official MPIM e-mail-addresses.

Main speakers

Edgar Assing - University of Bonn
Sandro Bettin - University of Genova
Valentin Blomer - University of Bonn
Claire Burrin - ETH Zürich
Petru Constantinescu - EPFL
Alex Cowan - Harvard
Sary Drappeau - Aix-Marseille Université
Gergely Harcos - Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics
Jeff Hoffstein - Brown University
Emmanuel Kowalski - ETH Zürich
Jungwon Lee - University of Warwick
Seonhee Lim - Seoul National University
Asbjørn Nordentoft - Université Paris Sorbonne Nord
Jennifer Park - Ohio State University
Anke Pohl - University of Bremen
Morten Risager - University of Copenhagen
Hae-Sang Sun - UNIST
Matthew Welsh - University of Bristol


Nikos Diamantis - University of Nottingham
Min Lee - University of Bristol
Pieter Moree - Max Planck Institute for Mathematics
Yiannis Petridis - University College London


We thank Barry Mazur and Karl Rubin for the permission to use the above figure:



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