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End-periodic symplectic structure on cubic Fermat surface and Lawson's foliation on the 5-sphere

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Yoshihiko Mitsumatsu
Chuo University
Mon, 11/06/2012 - 16:30 - 17:15
Parent event: 
Geometric Topology Seminar

Lawson's foliation is, among other codimension 1 foliations,
the first one which was found on S^5 (around 1970). Later on, ALberto  Verjovsky posed
questions (around 2000) whether if Lawson's one or  some modified ones admit leafwise
comple structures or leafwise  symplectic structures. In this talk the second one is answered 

It seems not so common for Stein manifolds to admit an end-periodic  symplectic structure,
while the cubic Fermat surface does. We see its  construction and as an application we obtain
the affirmative answer to  the above question for leafwise symplectic structure.

The arguments also apply with minor modifications to two other cases  of simple elliptic
hypersurface singularities.

If the time allows, end-periodic symplectic structures on globally  convex symplectic
manifolds are discussed.


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