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The Moebius trigonometric polynomial and the Siegel zero

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Olivier Ramaré
U Lille 1\MPI
Wed, 02/04/2014 - 14:15 - 15:15
MPIM Lecture Hall
Parent event: 
Number theory lunch seminar

This talk presents some news on bilinear decompositions of the Moebius
function. In particular, we will exhibit a family of such decompositions
inherited from Motohashi's proof of the Hoheisel and Linnik Theorem that
leads to

\sum_{n\le X, (n,q)=1}\mu(n) e(na/q) << X /\sqrt{q}

for q\<=X^{1/9} and any a prime to q. Such an estimate has
consequences for the value of the derivative of the L-function at the
exceptional zero.

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