This workshop is part of the activity "Quantum cohomology, Frobenius manifolds and pencils of Calabi-Yau varieties" at the MPI in Bonn in 2012. Contact:
Email: frobenius.bonn-2012$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de
March 23 afternoon:
March 24 Discussion:
12:00 Extremal Laurent Polynomials, moderated by Tom Coates
March 25 Discussion:
12:00 Gamma conjectures and recovering topology, moderated by Duco van Straten
Mind the time change!
The conference speakers will be scheduled in the Arbeitstagung manner on the next two days:
March 26, conference
11:00-11:30 TBA
11:40-12:20 TBA
12:30-13:00 TBA
14:00-14:30 TBA
14:40-15:20 TBA
15:30-16:00 TBA
Institute tea
March 27, conference
11:00-11:30 TBA
11:40-12:20 TBA
12:30-13:00 TBA
14:00-15:00 Seminar on Algebra, Geometry and Physics TBA
March 28
Wind-up discussion: Problems and approaches, moderated by Alessio Corti.
Those planning to attend include
A. Bayer
I. Cheltsov
T. Coates
A. Corti
C. Faber
O. Fabert
S. Galkin
V. Gorbounov
V. Gritsenko
H. Iritani
L. Katzarkov
A. Mellit
V. Przyjalkowski
D. van Straten
T. Sutherland
M. Vlasenko
To register please fill out online registration form.
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