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Conference on "Quantum Topology"

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Christian Blohmann (MPIM Bonn), Ingrid Irmer (SUSTech), Roland van der Veen (University of Groningen), Campbell Wheeler (IHES), Tao Yu (SUSTech)
Mon, 12/05/2025 - 09:00 - Fri, 16/05/2025 - 15:00
MPIM Lecture Hall

"Hot Topics" Conference on "Quantum Topology", May 12 - 16, 2025

The discovery of polynomial invariants of knots by Jones sparked the study of quantum topology in the late 80s and 90s. Work over the last two decades has led to deeper understanding of the mathematical structures behind these invariants. Broadly, we have gained a deeper understanding of how they relate to the geometric and number theoretic properties of three-manifolds. In this conference, we will explore some of these recent advances surrounding work of Garoufalidis and collaborators. In particular, the themes of the conference will involve the Habiro ring, quantum modularity, quantum trace maps, regulators in algebraic K-theory, resurgence, and skein modules.

Warning: Hotel scam alert: There is a hotel scam going around contacting people from conferences regarding accommodation. Please DO NOT reply to them or give out any credit card/personal information! We do not work with any travel agencies and we will only contact you through official MPIM e-mail-addresses.


Dror Bar-Natan (University of Toronto)
Francis Bonahon (University of Southern California / Michigan state University)
Kathrin Bringmann (University of Cologne)
Frank Calegari (University of Chicago)
Tudor Dimofte (University of Edinburgh)
Nathan Dunfield (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Cameron Gordon (University of Texas at Austin)
Kazuo Habiro (University of Tokyo)
Efstratia Kalfagianni (Michigan State University)
Rinat Kashaev (Université de Genève)
Maxim Kontsevich (IHES) (tbc)
Thang Le (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Ciprian Manolescu (Stanford University)
Marcos Marino (Université de Genève)
Peter Scholze (MPIM Bonn)
Sakie Suzuki (Institute of Science Tokyo)
Roland van der Veen (University of Groningen)
Campbell Wheeler (IHES)
Don Zagier (MPIM Bonn)


You are welcome to apply here for the conference. The deadline for applying for financial support ends on March 16, 2025.






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