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Loop groups and characteristic classes

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Raymond Vozzo
Tue, 22/06/2010 - 16:00 - 16:30
MPIM Lecture Hall

Suppose $G$ is a compact Lie group, $LG$ its (free) loop group and $\Omega G$ its based loop group. Let $P \to M$ be a principal bundle with structure group one of these loop groups. In general, differential form representatives of characteristic classes for principal bundles can be easily obtained using the Chern-Weil homomorphism, however for infinite-dimensional bundles such as $P$ this runs into analytical problems and classes are more difficult to construct. In this talk I will explain some new results on characteristic classes for loop group bundles which demonstrate how to construct certain classes---which we call string classes---for such bundles. These are obtained by making heavy use of a certain $G$-bundle associated to any loop group bundle (which allows us to avoid the problems of dealing with infinite-dimensional bundles). We shall see that the free loop group case naturally involves equivariant cohomology. This is joint work with Michael Murray.

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