Doug Ulmer among 2025 AMS Fellows

Doug Ulmer, currently a visitor at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn, was selected as member of the new class of 2025 fellows of the American Mathematical Society. The new group of fellows includes also the former MPIM guests Wiesława Nizioł and Florian Herzig. The prestigious Fellows of the AMS program recognizes members who have made outstanding contributions to the creation, exposition, advancement, communication, and utilization of mathematics.
MPIM mourns death of Tobias Kreutz

The Max Planck Institute for Mathematics mourns the death of its postdoctoral fellow
Tobias Kreutz ( * 04.08.1996 - † 08.08.2024).
He completed his PhD in 2022 at the Humboldt University Berlin under the guidance of Bruno Klingler and Laurent Fargues. Since then he has been a visitor at the institute. Tobias has been working at the interface of complex and $p$-adic Hodge theory, with particular focus on the transcendental periods arising in both settings. In his last paper, he has proposed obstructions to complex Hodge structures being of geometric origin. He was a cherished member of our community and will be greatly missed by his friends and colleagues.
Maryna Viazovska External Member of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics

Maryna Viazovska, full professor and Chair of Number Theory at the Institute of Mathematics of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, has joined the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics as external scientific member. She was PhD student of Don Zagier from 2008-2012 and obtained her doctoral degree from the University of Bonn. Since then, she has returned to the institute regularly as a visitor and speaker. We are happy that Maryna will now play an even more active role in the research community and the development of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics.
Maryna Viazovska was born in Kiev in Ukraine in 1984. She obtained her Bachelor degree in Mathematics in 2005 from Kiev National University and a Master's degree in 2007 from the University of Kaiserslautern. She was a doctoral student of Don Zagier in the MPIM graduate school from 2008-2012, working on modular forms. In 2013 she received her PhD from the University of Bonn. After a postdoctoral position at the Humboldt University in Berlin she joined the faculty of the École Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne, where she became full professor in 2018. Maryna Viazovska has received a number of distinctions for her work: In 2016 the Salem Prize, in 2017 the Clay Research Award and the SASTRA Ramanujan Prize. She was awarded a 2018 New Horizons Prize in Mathematics and was an invited speaker at the 2018 International Congress of Mathematicians. In 2019 she received the Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics and the Fermat Prize, in 2020 the EMS Prize and the National Latsis Prize awarded by the Latsis Foundation. She was elected to the Academia Europaea in 2021 and appointed Senior Scholar at the Clay Mathematics Institute in July 2022. In 2022, she was awarded the Fields Medal.
Video portrait of Maryna Viazovska
Photo credit: EPFL/Fred Merz
Ana Caraiani Awarded Max Planck Fellowship

Ana Caraiani, who holds the Hausdorff Chair at the University of Bonn, is newly appointed Max Planck Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics. The Max Planck Fellowship is a prestigeous honor bestowed on outstanding university professors by the Max Planck Society for a limited term of 5 years. The fellows receive funds to build up a small research group at the host institute. The goal is to promote cooperation between university faculty and Max Planck Society researchers.
Ana Caraiani works at the interface between the Langlands program and arithmetic geometry. In recent years, she has co-authored many of her papers with Peter Scholze who is very happy about his new colleague in Bonn: "With Ana Caraiani, a world-leading scientist in arithmetic geometry comes to Bonn. We have already worked together a lot in the past, on questions in the Langlands program and especially on the cohomology of Shimura varieties. I'm very much looking forward to continuing this work, and especially to organizing seminars and other events together," says Peter Scholze.
Ana Caraiani was born in Bucharest in 1985. She won a silver medal and two gold medals for the Rumanian Team in the International Math Olympiad. After graduating high school in 2003, she studied at Princeton University, where she graduated summa cum laude in 2007, with an undergraduate thesis on Galois representations supervised by Andrew Wiles. She did her graduate studies at Harvard University under the supervision of Wiles' student Richard Taylor, earning her Ph.D. in 2012 with a dissertation concerning local-global compatibility in the Langlands correspondence. After spending a year at the University of Chicago, she returned to Princeton and the Institute for Advanced Study as a postdoc. In 2016, she moved to the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics as a Bonn Junior Fellow. She moved to Imperial College London in 2017 as a Royal Society University Research Fellow and Senior Lecturer. In 2019, she became a Royal Society University Research Fellow and Reader at Imperial College London. In 2021, Caraiani became a full professor at Imperial College London before moving to her position as Hausdorff Chair in Bonn in the fall of 2022. In 2018, she was one of the winners of the Whitehead Prize of the London Mathematical Society. In 2020, she was elected as a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society and was one of the 2020 winners of the EMS Prize. Recently, she was awarded one of the New Horizon Prizes in Mathematics of 2023.
A recent interview with Ana Caraiani can be found in Quantamagazine.
Photo credit: Barbara Frommann/Uni Bonn; HCM
ERC Starting Grant for Tobias Barthel

Tobias Barthel, advanced researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, has received a prestigeous ERC starting grant for his project on the "spectral geometry of higher categories". The total budget of the grant is 1.5 million euros for the project duration of 5 years. The eleven Max Planck grantees are among the 397 young researchers who received an ERC Starting Grant in 2021.
The European Research Council (ERC) is the premier European funding organisation for excellent frontier research. It funds creative researchers of any nationality and age, to run projects based across Europe. The ERC offers four core grant schemes: Starting Grants, Consolidator Grants, Advanced Grants and Synergy Grants. The ERC is led by an independent governing body, the Scientific Council. Its prestigeous grants are awarded anually.
Link to the official announcement of the ERC starting grants results.
Don Zagier Receives Fudan-Zhongzhi Science Award 2021

The Fudan-Zhongzhi Science Award 2021 is awarded jointly to Don Zagier and Benedict Gross for "their formulation and proof of the Gross-Zagier formula, which relates the height of Heegner points with the central derivatives of the zeta function of the corresponding elliptic curves. They established striking cases of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, which brought many applications to long-standing problems, and deeply influenced the development of number theory in recent decades." The prize committee also recognized Don Zagier's "profound work on modular forms and special functions which resolve questions and problems in diverse areas ranging from topology and moduli spaces to geometry and mathematical physics."
The Fudan-Zhongzhi Science Award was jointly founded in 2015 by Fudan University and Zhongzhi Enterprise Group, in recognition of scientists who have made fundamental and groundbreaking achievements in physics, mathematics, and biomedicine. The Award aims to promote global scientific research, and advance science and technology, providing an international platform for research communication, discussion and sharing. The 2021 Award is the second given in the field of mathematics. The laureates share RMB 3 million (around USD 450,000) donated by Zhongzhi Enterprise Group. The prize ceremony will be held on 19 December 2021 in Shanghai.
Don Zagier is an emeritus director at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn: Born 1951. Studies of mathematics and physics, M.I.T. 1966-1968. D.Phil., Oxford University 1971. Habilitation, University of Bonn 1975. Member of academic staff, SFB Theoretische Mathematik, University of Bonn 1971-1984. Professor, University of Bonn since 1976. Chair Professor of Number Theory, University of Maryland 1979-1990. Professor, Kyushu University (Fukuoka, Japan) 1990-1991 and 1992-1993. Professor, University of Utrecht 1990-2001. Scientific Member, MPI for Mathematics since 1984. Director, MPI for Mathematics 1995-2019. Professor, Collège de France (Paris) 2000-2014. Distinguished Staff Associate, ICTP, Trieste since 2014. Carus Prize 1984. Frank Nelson Cole Prize 1987. Karl Georg Christian von Staudt Prize 2001. Member of the National Academy of Sciences 2017. Honorary member of the London Mathematical Society since 2019.
Link to the official prize announcement
Recordings of the prize ceremony (including Professor Gross's acceptance speech and Professor Zagier's popular lecture "The Old and Beautiful Theory of Numbers"):
Dennis Gaitsgory New Director at MPIM

Dennis Gaitsgory is a newly appointed director at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn. He will join the three active directors Gerd Faltings, Peter Teichner, and Peter Scholze in July 2021.
Dennis Gaitsgory was Born in 1973 in Moldava, a republic of the Soviet Union at the time. He studied at Tel Aviv University under Joseph Bernstein from 1990–1996, where he received his doctorate in 1997 for a thesis on "Automorphic Sheaves and Eisenstein Series". In the academic years 1996/97 and 1998/99 he was at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. In 2001 he became Associate Professor at the University of Chicago before joining the faculty of Harvard University in 2005.
Dennis Gaitsgory has made important contributions to the geometric Langlands program. For his work he has been awarded a Harvard Junior Fellowship, the prize of the European Mathematical Society, and a Clay Research Fellowship. In 2002 he was invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Beijing. In 2020 he was elected to the National Academy of Sciences.
(Photo credit: MFO)
Danica Kosanović Receives Hausdorff Memorial Prize

Danica Kosanović is one of the two prize winners of the Hausdorff Memorial Prize for the best PhD thesis in mathematics at the University of Bonn in 2019/2020. In her thesis on “A geometric approach to the embedding calculus knot invariants”, which was supervised by Peter Teichner, she proved a 30 year old conjecture about invariants of classical knots. The official prize announcement can be found here.
Lisa Piccirillo Recipient of the Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize 2021

Lisa Piccirillo, postdoctoral visitor at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, is one of the first three recipients of the newly inaugurated Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize Awarded to Women Mathematicians for Early-Career Achievements. She is awarded the prize for resolving the classic problem that the Conway knot is not smoothly slice.
Lisa Piccirillo earned a B.S. in mathematics from Boston College in 2013 and a PhD from the University of Texas at Austin in 2019 with a thesis on low-dimensional topology under the supervision of John Luecke. After a postdoc at Brandeis University, she joined the faculty of MIT as assistant professor in 2020.
The Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize is awarded to early-career women mathematicians – the number of awards increased from one to three due to the intense interest generated by the Prize and the extremely high quality of nominations. The Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize was established in 2019 and named for the famed Iranian mathematician, Fields Medalist and Stanford professor who passed away in 2017. During her exceptionally prolific career, Mirzakhani made groundbreaking contributions to the theory of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces. Each year, the $50,000 New Frontiers Prize award is presented to women mathematicians who have completed their PhDs within the past two years.
The official prize announcement can be found here.
Gaëtan Borot Awarded Dubrovin Medal of 2020

Gaëtan Borot, Advanced Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, is one of the first two recipients of the newly created Dubrovin Medal. The prize committee has recognized "his numerous and wide-ranging contributions to the theory of topological recursion leading to the proof of the Bouchard-Marino conjecture and to several applications to geometry and mathematical physics in the area of integrable systems."
The Boris Dubrovin medal, in memory of Boris Anatolievich Dubrovin, Professor at SISSA from 1993 to 2019, is awarded by SISSA, with the support of the Moscow Mathematical Society, the “Gruppo Nazionale per la Fisica Matematica” (GNFM) and the “Gruppo Nazionale per le Strutture Algebriche, Geometriche e le loro Applicazioni” (GNSAGA), which are part of the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INDAM). The medal recognizes exceptionally promising young researchers who have already made outstanding contributions to the fields of mathematical physics and geometry. The Dubrovin medal will be awarded every two years starting from 2020.
The official prize announcement can be found here.
Arunima Ray appointed as Lise Meitner Group Leader

Arunima Ray, advanced researcher at the MPIM, was chosen as one of the 20 Lise Meitner Group Leaders from a field of 470 candidates. Launched in 2018 by the Max Planck Society, the Lise Meitner Excellence Program is aimed at women scientists who, even at the beginning of their scientific career, already rank among the exceptional talents in their area of research. These women are to receive targeted support at a very early stage of their scientific career: a Lise Meitner Excellence Group will be endowed with a generous, internationally competitive budget for material and human resources, for example, as well as a W2 position for the later Group Leader. After a funding period of five years at the latest, the Lise Meitner Group Leaders will be offered the opportunity to participate in an internal Max Planck tenure track procedure. After a positive evaluation by a tenure commission, this will then result in a permanent W2 position with group leadership at a Max Planck Institute.
Arunima Ray works on low-dimensional topology, particularly knot theory and its applications towards 3- and 4-manifolds. More information can be found on her personal web page.
The official announcement of the new Lise Meitner Group Leaders from the Max Planck Society can be found here.
Special online colloquium between IHES and MPIM

Robert Penner is a mathematician known for his works in geometry and combinatorics of moduli spaces, and holding the Rene Thom Chair in mathematical biology at IHES. In the past, he and coauthors have developed geometric tools to study RNA and protein folding. He recently became interested in viruses, notably to identify potentially interesting sites in glycoproteins present in the coronavirus responsible for the current epidemy. He will present this work during the talk, Thursday 25th June 3-4.30pm local time.
Continue here for more information and video conference details.
Don Zagier elected as Honorary Member of the London Mathematical Society

The London Mathematical Society has elected Prof. Don Zagier (MPIM, Bonn) and Prof. Edward Witten (IAS, Princeton) to Honorary Membership of the Society in 2019.
From the official citation: The London Mathematical Society has elected PROFESSOR DON ZAGIER, of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, to Honorary Membership of the Society. Don Zagier is an outstanding mathematician who has made major contributions in number theory, particularly to the theory of modular forms, and in its interactions with other areas of mathematics and mathematical physics.
Bundesverdienstkreuz (Great Cross of Merit) for Peter Scholze

Professor Peter Scholze received the Bundesverdienstkreuz (Great Cross of Merit) from the Federal President of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier. The ceremony took place at Schloss Bellevue in Berlin (Federal President’s principal official residence). The Federal President's office declared that due to his exceptional achievements Peter Scholze was a motivating role model for future generations of his research area.
A new street in Bonn Poppelsdorf is named after the MPIM founder, Professor Friedrich Hirzebruch (1927-2012)
We are pleased to announce that the city of Bonn decided on September 19, 2019 to name a new street in Bonn after our institute founder, Professor Friedrich Hirzebruch. The street is called Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee and is located in the Poppelsdorf campus between the corner of the Carl-Troll-Strasse/Karlrobert-Kreiten-Strasse and the new center of lecture halls, Endenicher Allee 19c.
Peter Scholze new director at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics

Peter Scholze is a new director at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics. The 30-year old is one of the leading researchers in the field of Arithmetic Geometry. His achievements have already been recognized by a number of prizes and honors. Among others: a Clay Fellowship, the Prix Peccot of the Collège de France, the Clay Research Award, the Cole Prize for Algebra of the American Mathematical Society, the EMS Prize of the European Mathematical Society, the Leibniz Prize of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, and the membership in four prestigious scientific academies. For now Peter Scholze's position at MPIM will be part-time in addition to his Hausdorff Chair at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics of the University of Bonn.
More about Peter Scholze:
Photo credit © Volker Lannert / Universität Bonn
Maryna Viazovska Awarded 2017 Ramanujan Prize

Maryna Viazovska, who conducted her doctoral research at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics from 2008-2012 under the guidance of Don Zagier, was awarded the Ramanujan Prize for 2017. Professor Viazovska is honored “for her stunning solution in dimension 8 of the celebrated sphere packing problem, and for her equally impressive joint work with Henry Cohn, Abhinav Kumar, Stephen D. Miller and Danylo Radchenko resolving the sphere packing problem in dimension 24, by building upon her fundamental ideas in dimension 8.” The prize also recognizes her outstanding PhD thesis of 2013 at the University of Bonn in which she resolved significant cases of the Gross-Zagier Conjecture and her work prior to her PhD with A. Bodarenko and D. Radchenko resolving a long-standing conjecture of Korevaar and Meyers on spherical designs, that appeared in the Annals of Mathematics in 2013. The prize notes that the modular forms techniques developed by Viazovska will have a significant future impact in discrete geometry, analytic number theory, and harmonic analysis. It was awarded on December 22 (Ramanujan's birthday), 2017 at the International Conference on Number Theory at SASTRA University in Kumbakonam, India, Ramanujan’s hometown.
Maryna Viazovska was born in Kiev in Ukraine in 1984. She obtained her Bachelor degree in Mathematics in 2005 from Kiev National University and a Master's degree in 2007 from the University of Kaiserslautern. In 2013 she received her PhD from the University of Bonn. After a postdoctoral position at the Humboldt University in Berlin she joined the faculty of the École Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne, where she became full professor in 2018.
The Ramanujan Prize was established in 2005 and is awarded annually for outstanding contributions by young mathematicians to areas influenced by Srinivasa Ramanujan. The age limit for the prize has been set at 32 because Ramanujan achieved so much in his brief life of 32 years.
Exhibition "Women of Mathematics throughout Europe" at MPIM opening on November 10th

The exhibition "Women of Mathematics throughout Europe" will be on public display at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics from November 10 to December 23, 2016. This touring exhibition, whose starting point is the 7th European Congress of Mathematics held in July 2016 in Berlin, features the portrays of thirteen female mathematicians, sharing their experience, thus serving as role models to encourage young women to enter mathematics, a field where women are still largely underrepresented. The exhibition will be launched with the:
Opening Event
Date/time: November 10th, 2016, 18:00h
Place: Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Vivatsgasse 7, Bonn
18:00 Two short audio, and audiovisual pieces related to women’s history
18:30 Introduction by the exhibitions curator, Prof. Sylvie Paycha
1st Piece: "Gender Data Sonification"
An insight into gender inequalities through data sonification by Alice Guerlot-Kourouklis (musician) & Jimena Royo-Letelier (mathematician).
A primary sound composition is altered following selected indicators, shedding light on the intensity of gender inequalities across the world. The data covers education, employment, entrepreneurship, health and development statistics, from various sources such as the OECD Gender Data Portal or the Worldbank Gender Statistics database.
2nd Piece: "Women's history through the eyes of a mathematician."
An audiovisual promenade, inspired by women’s history by Jacinta Torres and Claire Glanois (mathematicians) with the participation of Alice Guerlot-Kourouklis (music), E (violin), Marion Lenfant-Preus (voice), & Andreas (voice).
A timeline is split into four sections: Prelude, First wave, Second wave, Third wave. Each movement is "visually" illustrated by a female mathematician. A log book will guide you through this journey: you will find some prime materials, facts, myths or quotes which "fed" this piece.
Call for nominations of directors of Max Planck institutes
The Max Planck Society and its institutes are seeking nominations for the position of
for various research fields including mathematics. The call can be found here. The deadline is December 30, 2016 but later nominations may also be considered.
Hirzebruch Collection launched

The Max Planck Institute for Mathematics announces the launch of the Hirzebruch Collection, a media archive that collects documents, images, videos, and other resources related to the work and life of its founding director Prof. Dr. Friedrich Hirzebruch (1927-2012). His work largely influenced the development of modern mathematics and through his personal efforts and achievements he contributed in an essential way to the reconstruction of mathematics research in Germany after World War II. The collection will be an ongoing process. Contributions of original documents such as personal photographs or video recordings of talks are welcome. The Hirzebruch Collection is available at
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