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Services to support the research at the institute

Emergency telephone numbers, medical services, doctors

Security service for the institute:

From any institute phone: 0 73 7444
From your mobile phone: +49 228 73 7444

MathSciNet mobile pairing

 Recently the AMS has introduced the mobile pairing access for MathSciNet.

To activate the service use the "pair my device links" on the following information page



Tarik Aygün


Svenja Beljaars

Human Resources
+49 (0)228 402-0

Inneke Blicker

Secretary / Administration
travel$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de (accounting, travel expenses & info) / invitation$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de (secretary)

Shannon Mae Haas

Administration, Trainee
+49 (0)228 402-0

Contact information

Posted in

Librarian: Anu Hirvonen, Tel. +49(0)228-402-252 (In case of absence: Andrea Kohlhuber, Tel. 402-243.)
If you need help, you can find us in room 306 by the entrance of the library.  If you prefer, you can just send us an

Maren Plugge

Human Resources
+49 (0)228 402-0

Joana Sefaj

+49 (0)228 402-0


Talip Toksöz

Head of Administration

Gianna Vogeno

Guest Relations & Conference Management
+49 (0)228 402-0
housing$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de / conference$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de

Online talk

This is a online only talk

Open Access

Posted in

The Max Planck Society and the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics actively endorse open access of research publications. If you publish under the MPIM-affliation your article processing charges might be covered by central funds from MPDL, or you can apply for a MPIM grant. For more information contact the librarian.

Childcare and schools

Consultation with us

We are happy to help our guests with questions about childcare and schools. When looking for the right childcare it always depends on the period of time and what kind of care is needed.
Below you will find general information and links about the topic of childcare and schools. Furthermore, we provide information about help that you can get from various counseling centers on the respective topics and especially from us.

Living in Bonn

General information on looking for somewhere to live in Bonn

As Bonn is home to a number of international research facilities and companies, short-let furnished accommodation is in great demand. Furnished apartments in a central location are very much sought after on the Bonn accommodation market, so we advise you to begin looking in good time before you arrive. The following list of abbreviations may be useful when looking at adverts for accommodation.

Visa regulations and regulations on residence

Visa and travel to Germany

The internet page of the "Foreign Office" provides detailed information on visa guidelines for travel to Germany. You can also find further useful information via the "Welcome Center" of Bonn University

Health insurance, medical services and doctors

Health insurance

You and any family members travelling with you will need adequate health insurance for the whole of your stay as a visiting researcher.

Your research stay in Bonn at our institute is based on our fellowship or financed privately, so you are not subject to statutory social insurance. Nevertheless, in any case you are required to have sufficient health insurance coverage - preferably - with a full assumption of costs for any medical assistance.

Banking and financial services


Generally, it is advisable to open a bank account for your stay in Germany. Alternatively, a bank account in your own EU country using the euro can be used.

If you have further queries, contact Ms. Svenja Beljaars or Ms. Maren Plugge in Administration.

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