Conference on "Progress and Emergent Theories in Zeta and L-Functions" (PRETZL)
Conference on "Progress and Emergent Theories in Zeta and L-Functions" (PRETZL), July 21-25, 2025
There has been an enormous amount of progress in the analytic theory of zeta and L-functions over the past decade. Our understanding in the classical theory of the value distribution of the Riemann zeta function has achieved new heights with spectacular breakthroughs on moments and extreme values (both local and global) leading to a better understanding of families of L-functions more generally. Great strides have also been made for higher degree L-functions through the remarkable achievements in subconvexity problems and higher degree trace formulae.
These techniques are still in their infancy and there is great scope for exploration and new applications. The aim of this conference is to bring together distinguished researchers working in the classical analytic, probabilistic, and automorphic theories and utilise the creative environment of MPIM and Bonn to further develop these important interactions.
Warning: Hotel scam alert: There is a hotel scam going around contacting people from conferences regarding accommodation.
Please DO NOT reply to them or give out any credit card/personal information! We do not work with any travel agencies and
we will only contact you through official MPIM e-mail-addresses.
Louis-Pierre Arguin (University of Oxford)
Andrii Bondarenko (NTNU)
Brian Conrey (AIM)
Alexandra Florea (University of California Irvine)
Gergely Harcos (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics)
Adam Harper (University of Warwick)
Bingrong Huang (Shandong University)
Jon Keating (University of Oxford)
Youness Lamzouri (IECL – Site de Nancy)
Junxian Li (University of California Davis)
Philippe Michel (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Paul Nelson (Aarhus University)
Danylo Radchenko (Université de Lille)
Maksym Radziwiłł (Northwestern University)
Kristian Seip (NTNU)
Kannan Soundararajan (Stanford University)
Joni Teräväinen (University of Cambridge)
Matthew P. Young (Rutgers University)
You are welcome to apply for the conference here. The deadline for applying for financial support ends on May 15, 2025.
Policy for the Max Planck Society against discrimination, harassment and violence.
Twinned workshop on "Quantum Field Theory and Topological Phases via Homotopy Theory and Operator Algebras"
Twinned workshop on "Quantum Field Theory and Topological Phases via Homotopy Theory and Operator Algebras", June 30 - July 11, 2025
Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and Quantum Statistical Mechanics are central to high energy physics and condensed matter physics; they also raise deep questions in mathematics. The application ofoperator algebras to these areas of physics is well-known. Recent developments indicate that to understand some aspects QFT properly a further ingredient is needed: homotopy theory and infinity-categories. One such development is the recognition that symmetry in a QFT is better described by a homotopy type rather than a group (so-called generalized symmetries). Another one is the work of Lurie and others on extended Topological Field Theory (TFT) and the Baez-Dolan cobordism hypothesis. Finally, there is a conjecture of Kitaev that invertible phases of matter are classified by homotopy groups of an Omega-spectrum. This workshop will bring together researchers and students approaching this physics using different mathematical techniques: operator algebras, homotopy theory, higher category theory, etc. The goal is to catalyze new interactions between different communities. At the workshop recent developments will be reviewed and hopefully progress can be made on two outstanding problems: the Kitaev conjecture as well as the long-standing goal of finding a proper mathematical formulation for QFT.
This event is a twinned workshop at the CMSA (Harvard) and the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (Bonn). Lectures will alternate between the two sites, watched simultaneously on both sides, and there will be opportunities for dialogue between the locations. The first week will contain four pedagogical lecture series; lecturers and locations are:
M. Hopkins (CMSA)
A. Kitaev (CMSA)
P. Naaijkens (MPIM)
B. Nachtergaele (MPIM)
The second week will consist of research talks.
Participants are strongly encouraged to attend at the location that minimizes travel and hence the ecological impact of the conference.
Please consider carefully where / how the participation makes the most sense for you and fill the relevant form. The application deadline is March 16, 2025.
For the application for in-person participation at MPIM Bonn/Germany please click here.
For the application for in-person participation at CMSA, Harvard/USA please click here.
For the application for online participation please click here.
Warning: Hotel scam alert: There is a hotel scam going around contacting people from conferences regarding accommodation. Please DO NOT reply to them or give out any credit card/personal information! We do not work with any travel agencies and we will only contact you through official MPIM e-mail-addresses.
Policy for the Max Planck Society against discrimination, harassment and violence.
Conference on "Asymptotic Counting and L-Functions"
Conference on "Asymptotic Counting and L-Functions", May 5 - 9, 2025
Many interesting arithmetic functions such as class numbers, Fourier coefficients of modular forms, have a rather varying behavior that is only partially understood. However, often it is possible to determine some (possibly weighted) average for them. The approach is often to associate an L-series to the arithmetic quantity of interest and study whether this has an analytic continuation, study the location of its zeros and poles. Armed with this knowledge the Selberg-Delange method, for example, allows one then to determine the average. The most classical L-functions are the Riemann zeta function and Dirichlet L-series, that play a crucial rule in the study of primes, respectively primes in arithmetic progression.
The conference has both more introductory as well as research talks on current topics in this direction. More highlighted themes are Artin's primitive root conjecture (where Dedekind zeta functions come into play) and Euler-Kronecker constants (related to logarithmic derivatives of L-series).
Valentin Blomer (University of Bonn)
Jörg Brüdern (University of Göttingen)
Stephanie Chan (IST Austria)
Ofir Gorodetsky (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Oleksiy Klurman (University of Bristol)
Peter Koymans (Utrecht University)
Alessandro Languasco (University of Padova)
Florian Luca (Stellenbosch University)
Carlo Pagano (Concordia University)
Francesco Pappalardi (Roma Tre University)
Vandita Patel (University of Manchester)
Antonella Perucca (University of Luxembourg)
Lillian Pierce (Duke University)
Sumaia Saad Eddin (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Damaris Schindler (University of Göttingen)
Alisa Sedunova (Purdue University)
Igor Shparlinski (University of New South Wales)
Peter Stevenhagen (Leiden University)
Ade Irma Suriajaya (Kyushu University)
Lola Thompson (Utrecht University)
Caroline Turnage-Butterbaugh (Carleton College)
Stevan Gajovic (MPIM Bonn)
Oana Padurariu (MPIM Bonn)
You are welcome to apply for the conference here. The deadline for applying for financial support ends on March 9, 2025.
Please note that this is only an application and does not confirm participation. You will receive an e-mail with the organiser's decision in due time.
Warning: Hotel scam alert: There is a hotel scam going around contacting people from conferences regarding accommodation. Please DO NOT reply to them or give out any credit card/personal information! We do not work with any travel agencies and we will only contact you through official MPIM e-mail-addresses.
Policy for the Max Planck Society against discrimination, harassment and violence.
Conference in Memory of Yuri Manin
Conference in Memory of Yuri Manin, August 11 - 15, 2025
Yuri I. Manin (February 16, 1937 - January 7, 2023) was an extraordinary figure in mathematics. Renowned for his creativity, Professor Manin's profound insights -- in diverse subjects ranging from algebraic geometry to mathematical physics and quantum computing -- helped shape modern mathematics. Professor Manin was Director of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn. In this week-long conference, the institute will honor his results and ideas and will attempt to trace some of their developments.
Alexander Beilinson (The University of Chicago)
Vladimir Berkovich (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Ivan Cherednik (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Dustin Clausen (IHES)
Vladimir Drinfeld (The University of Chicago)
Hélène Esnault (Freie Universität Berlin)
Nigel Hitchin (University of Oxford)
Maxim Kontsevich (IHES)
Matilde Marcolli (California Institute of Technology)
Kyoji Saito (Kyoto University)
Vadim Schechtman (Université Paul Sabatier)
Vera Serganova (University of California, Berkeley)
Alexei Skorobogatov (Imperial College London)
Yuri Tschinkel (New York University)
Boris Tsygan (Northwestern University)
Bruno Vallette (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)
Alexander Voronov (University of Minnesota)
Mariusz Wodzicki (University of California, Berkeley)
Don Zagier (MPIM Bonn)
Yuriy Zarkhin (Pennsylvannia State University)
Dennis Gaitsgory (MPIM Bonn)
Mikhail Kapranov (Kavli IPMU, Japan)
Ivan Penkov (Constructor University Bremen)
Maxim Smirnov (Universität Augsburg)
You are welcome to apply for the conference here. The deadline for applying for financial support ends on May 1, 2025.
Warning: Hotel scam alert: There is a hotel scam going around contacting people from conferences regarding accommodation. Please DO NOT reply to them or give out any credit card/personal information! We do not work with any travel agencies and we will only contact you through official MPIM e-mail-addresses.
Policy for the Max Planck Society against discrimination, harassment and violence.
Conference on "Quantum Topology"
"Hot Topics" Conference on "Quantum Topology", May 12 - 16, 2025
The discovery of polynomial invariants of knots by Jones sparked the study of quantum topology in the late 80s and 90s. Work over the last two decades has led to deeper understanding of the mathematical structures behind these invariants. Broadly, we have gained a deeper understanding of how they relate to the geometric and number theoretic properties of three-manifolds. In this conference, we will explore some of these recent advances surrounding work of Garoufalidis and collaborators. In particular, the themes of the conference will involve the Habiro ring, quantum modularity, quantum trace maps, regulators in algebraic K-theory, resurgence, and skein modules.
Warning: Hotel scam alert: There is a hotel scam going around contacting people from conferences regarding accommodation. Please DO NOT reply to them or give out any credit card/personal information! We do not work with any travel agencies and we will only contact you through official MPIM e-mail-addresses.
Dror Bar-Natan (University of Toronto)
Francis Bonahon (University of Southern California / Michigan state University)
Kathrin Bringmann (University of Cologne)
Frank Calegari (University of Chicago)
Tudor Dimofte (University of Edinburgh)
Nathan Dunfield (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Cameron Gordon (University of Texas at Austin)
Kazuo Habiro (University of Tokyo)
Efstratia Kalfagianni (Michigan State University)
Rinat Kashaev (Université de Genève)
Maxim Kontsevich (IHES) (tbc)
Thang Le (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Ciprian Manolescu (Stanford University)
Marcos Marino (Université de Genève)
Peter Scholze (MPIM Bonn)
Sakie Suzuki (Institute of Science Tokyo)
Roland van der Veen (University of Groningen)
Campbell Wheeler (IHES)
Don Zagier (MPIM Bonn)
You are welcome to apply here for the conference. The deadline for applying for financial support ends on March 16, 2025.
Policy for the Max Planck Society against discrimination, harassment and violence.
Conference on "The Mathematics of Post-Quantum Cryptography"
Conference on "The Mathematics of Post-Quantum Cryptography", December 4 - 5, 2024
Post-Quantum cryptography is a branch of public-key cryptography aiming to design
cryptographic schemes building on mathematical problems that are conjectured to be hard
to solve on both, classical and quantum computers. Such cryptographic schemes are needed
since Shor's quantum algorithms break classical public-key cryptography based on the
discrete logarithm problem (in finite fields or elliptic curves) as well as integer factoring in polynomial
time (assuming a large enough error-corrected quantum computer will be built).
The main families of post-quantum schemes build on algorithmically hard problems
related to lattices (e.g. finding short vectors in euclidean lattices), binary codes (decoding
problem), isogenies between elliptic curves over finite fields, and multivariate polynomial
systems. More recently, schemes based on finding isometries between lattices and also
schemes based on group actions of classical groups have been proposed.
Hence, there are many connections between the research field of post-quantum cryptography
and number theory, automorphic forms, algebra, algebraic geometry, representation
theory, and so on. In order to evaluate the security of the newly proposed cryptographic
schemes, deep connections between the different research communities, in particular
between more applied researchers in cryptography and researchers in pure mathematics, have
to be established. Otherwise, results from pure mathematics that apply to these schemes
and the underlying mathematical problems might be overlooked by the cryptographic re-
search community or discovered many years later.
Severin Barmeier (University of Cologne)
Wouter Castryck (KU Leuven)
Léo Ducas (CWI Amsterdam & Leiden University)
Eike Kiltz (Ruhr-University Bochum) (cancelled)
Sabrina Kunzweiler (Inria Bordeaux)
Aurel Page (Université de Bordeaux)
Hugues Randriambololona (ANSSI)
Peter Stevenhagen (Leiden University)
Monika Trimoska (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Wessel van Woerden (Université de Bordeaux)
Eleni Agathocleous (DESY Helmholtz Research Center, Zeuthen)
Stephan Ehlen (BSI)
Joanna Meinel (BSI)
Pieter Moree (MPIM Bonn)
Presentations and some photos of the event can be found in our archive.
The registration is closed as of November 4, 2024.
Policy for the Max Planck Society against discrimination, harassment and violence.
Workshop "Higher Geometric Structures along the Lower Rhine XVII", May 2 - 3, 2024

This is the seventeenth of a series of short workshops jointly organized by the Geometry/Topology groups in Bonn, Nijmegen, and Utrecht, all situated along the Lower Rhine. The focus lies on the development and application of new structures in geometry and topology such as Lie groupoids, differentiable stacks, Lie algebroids, generalized complex geometry, topological quantum field theories, higher categories, homotopy algebraic structures, higher operads, derived categories, and related topics.
Webpages of the previous meetings: I (Bonn), II (Nijmegen), III (Utrecht), IV (Bonn), V (Nijmegen), VI (Utrecht), VII (Leuven), VIII (Bonn), IX (Nijmegen), X (Utrecht), XI (Bonn), XII (Nijmegen), XIII (Utrecht), XIV (MPIM Bonn), XV (Nijmegen), XVI (Utrecht)
Remy van Dobben de Bruyn (Utrecht)
David Miyamoto (MPIM)
Jaco Ruit (Utrecht)
Steffen Sagave (Nijmegen)
Andreas Schüßler (KU Leuven)
Karandeep Singh (MPIM)
Katrin Wehrheim (UC Berkeley)
See above "Program and Abstracts"
The registration is closed.
Financial support
Limited financial support is available. If you need support, please add a request on your registration webform with a brief justification. Please note that the workshop is relatively local in scope, so that we might be able to cover your accommodation but probably not your travel expenses. Please note that due to time constraints, the hotel registration is binding if you get an invitation from us and have selected a hotel request in your registration.
Practical information
For practical information such as how to get to the institute and a list of hotels see here.
For any further inquiries please send an email to conference$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de.
Policy for the Max Planck Society against discrimination, harassment and violence.
Conference on "Arithmetic Geometry", July 22 - 26, 2024
Conference on "Arithmetic Geometry" in Honour of Gerd Faltings' 70th Birthday, July 22 - 26, 2024
Due to the great interest in this conference, we will stream most of the talks live via Zoom. The program indicates which talks will be streamed. The talks will not be uploaded on the website later.
Zoom information:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 686 5301 0413
Passcode: 952173
Jean-Benoit Bost (Université Paris-Saclay)
Ana Caraiani (Imperial College London)
Christopher Deninger (Universität Münster)
Nikolai Durov (Steklov Mathematical Institute)
Hélène Esnault (Freie Universität Berlin)
Ziyang Gao (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Toby Gee (Imperial College London)
Michael Harris (Columbia University)
Michael Larsen (Indiana University Bloomington)
Bjorn Poonen (MIT)
Michael Rapoport (University of Bonn)
Peter Scholze (MPIM Bonn)
Jakob Stix (Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt)
Jacob Tsimerman (University of Toronto)
Mingjia Zhang (Princeton University)
Shou-Wu Zhang (Princeton University)
Wei Zhang (MIT)
Survey talk by:
Robin de Jong (Universiteit Leiden)
Christian Blohmann (MPIM Bonn)
Christian Liedtke (TU München)
Wiesława Nizioł (Sorbonne Université)
Hotels nearby:
For a list of hotels near the MPIM, please see here.
The registration is closed as of May 20, 2024.
Warning: Hotel scam alert: There is a hotel scam going around contacting people from conferences regarding accommodation. Please DO NOT reply to them or give out any credit card/personal information! We do not work with any travel agencies and we will only contact you through official MPIM e-mail-addresses.
Policy for the Max Planck Society against discrimination, harassment and violence.
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Graduate Research Opportunities for Women at Bonn 2024 (GROW@Bonn 2024)
GROW@Bonn 2024 is for all students of underrepresented gender identities in mathematics, especially female students, who are interested in learning about graduate programmes and further opportunities in research, both within and outside academia. The conference is open to Bachelor and Master students from universities in Germany and neighbouring countries, including international students. It is possible to apply for funding for hotel and/or travel costs in the registration.
Talks and panels will be in English, but many of the mentors/volunteers/organisers will be able to speak in German and possibly other languages.
The conference will feature
- A plenary talk;
- Research talks by faculty and PhD students;
- Panel discussions about graduate research in the mathematical sciences;
- Networking and mentoring opportunities;
- Advice on preparing applications for graduate school (Master and PhD).
All interested students must register beforehand (registration form will follow), regardless of whether you are applying for funding. Confirmed participants will be notified by email.
We are currently looking for local mathematicians who would like to come and chat with our participants at GROW@Bonn 2024. Please register here to volunteer.
In case you have any questions, please contact conference$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de.
As of February 14, 2024 the registration is closed.
Plenary speaker
Kathryn Hess Bellwald (EPFL)
photo: Eddy Mottaz at Le Temps
Kathryn Hess Bellwald is a distinguished mathematician known primarily for her contributions to the fields of algebraic topology and category theory. She has also pioneered groundbreaking new ways to apply techniques from pure mathematics to materials science and the life sciences. Hess received her PhD in 1989 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and since 1991 has been affiliated with École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), where she is now a full professor. She is also an associate vice-president for student affairs and outreach and has won numerous accolades for her outstanding teaching abilities. In 2017, Hess was named a fellow of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and received an award as a distinguished speaker of the European Mathematical Society (EMS). In 2021, she spoke at the European Congress of Mathematics (ECM). She was the recipient of the de la Vallée Poussin Chair at UCLouvain in 2023. Recently, the Association of Women in Mathematics (AWM) has honoured Hess’ commitment to improving gender diversity in mathematics by selecting her as a 2024 AWM Fellow.
Further speakers and panelists
Lory Aintablian (BIGS / MPIM Bonn)

Lynn D’eer (imec / University of Antwerp)

Elena Demattè (University of Bonn)

Gianne Derks (Universiteit Leiden)

Jessica Fintzen (University of Bonn)

photo:Volker Lannert
Jens Funke (Durham University / MPIM Bonn)

Philipp Hieronymi (University of Bonn)

photo:Volker Lannert
Antje Kiesel (University of Bonn)

Laura Maaßen (Comma Soft)

Ashkan Nikeghbali (University of Zürich)

Viktoriya Ozornova (MPIM)

photo:Volker Lannert
Oana Padurariu (MPIM)

Luise Puhlmann (University of Bonn)

Leonie Scherer (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)

Katrin Wehrheim (UC Berkeley / MPIM Bonn)

Annette Werner (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)

Don Zagier (MPIM Bonn)

Organising committee
Pieter Belmans (University of Luxembourg)
Yajnaseni Dutta (University of Leiden)
Regula Krapf (University of Bonn)
Dominique Mattei (University of Bonn)
Arunima Ray (MPIM Bonn)
Emanuel Reinecke (IAS)
Laura Wakelin (MPIM Bonn)
Here you can find a map of locations relevant for the conference.
Previous iterations of GROW took place at
- HCM (2023)
- Duke University (2022)
- University of Bonn (2022)
- University of Illinois at Chicago (2021)
- University of Chicago (2020)
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2019)
- University of Michigan (2018)
- Northwestern (2015-17)
Policy for the Max Planck Society against discrimination, harassment and violence.
Conference on "Homology Growth in Topology and Group Theory", May 13 - 17, 2024

Conference on "Homology Growth in Topology and Group Theory", May 13 - 17, 2024
Homology growth is an umbrella term for a number of invariants associated to a topological space. In their simplest incarnation, they measure the growth of Betti numbers in finite covers of the space. Over the years, homology growth became a central topic in group theory and geometric topology. It connects various topological and geometric phenomena, especially in low-dimensional manifolds, with analytically or combinatorially defined invariants, like L^2-Betti numbers. In particular, homology growth plays a central role in controlling the existence of fiberings, over the circle in the topological setting, and over the integers in the algebraic one. The motivation and guiding principles come from the theory of 3-manifolds.Inspired by Agol's resolution of Thurston's Virtual Fibering Conjecture, homology growth and related ideas have been very recently used both in the algebraic setting of cubulated groups, and in higher dimensional negatively curved manifolds. This conference aims to bring together people behind these recent developments, provide an overview of the field and help formulate a coherent system of conjectures to guide us in the years to come.
In case you have any questions, please contact hogro2024$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de.
The registration is closed.
Hotels nearby
For a list of hotels near the MPIM, please see here.
Warning: Hotel scam alert: There is a hotel scam going around contacting people from conferences regarding accommodation. Please DO NOT reply to them or give out any credit card/personal information! We do not work with any travel agencies and we will only contact you through official MPIM e-mail-addresses.
Confirmed speakers
Karim Adiprasito (IMJ-PRG)
Sam Fisher (University of Oxford)
Mikolaj Fraczyk (Jagiellonian University, Krakow / Discuri Centre)
Lukasz Grabowski (Universität Leipzig)
Sam Hughes (University of Oxford)
Giovanni Italiano (University of Oxford)
Andrei Jaikin-Zapirain (UAM)
Kasia Jankiewicz (UC Santa Cruz)
Holger Kammeyer (Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf)
Steffen Kionke (FernUniversität in Hagen)
Monika Kudlinska (University of Oxford)
Ian Leary (University of Southampton)
Clara Löh (Universität Regensburg)
Wolfgang Lück (Universität Bonn)
Boris Okun (UW Milwaukee)
Jean Raimbault (Université d'Aix-Marseille)
Kevin Schreve (LSU Baton Rouge)
Gangotryi Sorcar (KIT)
Matthew Stover (Temple University)
Grigori Avramidi (MPIM Bonn)
Dawid Kielak (University of Oxford)
Roman Sauer (KIT)
This conference is supported by
Policy for the Max Planck Society against discrimination, harassment and violence.
Arbeitstagung 2023 on Condensed Mathematics
Arbeitstagung 2023 on Condensed Mathematics, June 19 - 23, 2023
The Arbeitstagung 2023 will focus on Condensed Mathematics, a new approach to topology, and its applications throughout mathematics, from logic over algebra, analysis and K-theory to group theory and dynamical systems. As usual at an Arbeitstagung, part of the program will only be decided during the event depending on the interests of the audience.
Dustin Clausen, Peter Scholze
Local organizer
Alexander Efimov - HSE University
Peter Haine - UC Berkeley
Peter Kropholler - University of Southampton
Catrin Mair - Technische Universität Darmstadt
Lucas Mann - Universität Münster
Akhil Mathew - University of Chicago
Yosuke Morita - Kyushu University
Juan Esteban Rodriguez Camargo - MPIM Bonn
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
08:30-09:30 |
09:30-10:30 | 09:30-10:30 | 09:30-10:30 | 09:30-10:30 | 09:30-10:30 |
10:30-11:00 | 10:30-11:00 | 10:30-11:00 | 10:30-11:00 | 10:30-11:00 |
11:00-12:00 | 11:00-12:00 | 11:00-12:00 | 11:00-12:00 | 11:00-12:00 |
12:00-12:30 | 12:00-12:30 | 12:00-13:00 | ||
12:30-15:00 | 12:30-15:00 |
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15:00-16:00 | 15:00-16:00 |
| 15:00-16:00 |
16:00-16:30 | 16:00-16:30 |
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16:30-17:30 | 16:30-17:30 |
| 16:30-17:30 |
19:00-22:00 |
For the program and the abstracts follow this link.
We ask for your understanding that due to high demand and many applications the registration is now closed.
There will be a dinner reception in the evening of Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at the University Club. Participants who would like to attend the dinner are asked to state this on the registration webform.
Hotel reservations
If you would like us to make a hotel reservation for you, please state this on the registration webform. We can only honor requests for hotel reservations made by us. If you would like to make a hotel reservation by yourself you will find a list of hotels here.
For any further inquiries please send an email to at2023$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de .
Warning: Hotel scam alert: There is a hotel scam going around contacting people from conferences regarding accommodation. Please DO NOT reply to them or give out any credit card/personal information! We do not work with any travel agencies and we will only contact you through official MPIM e-mail-addresses.
Policy for the Max Planck Society against discrimination, harassment and violence.
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Graduate Research Opportunities for Women at Bonn 2023 (GROW)
Graduate Research Opportunities for Women at Bonn 2023, March 30-31, 2023
The GROW@Bonn 2023 conference is aimed at women, non-binary and gender diverse undergraduate students who may be interested in learning about opportunities of graduate degree in the mathematical sciences.
The conference is open to bachelors and masters students from universities in Germany and neighbouring EU countries, including international students. Reasonable cost of travel will be refunded and accommodation will be provided by the conference to the selected participants who wish to travel to Bonn for GROW. Priorities will be given to those who have not attended any GROW conference before. The conference will be in English. People are welcome to ask questions in German. We will have plenty of German speaking mentors/volunteers/organizers.
The conference will feature
- lectures
- panel discussions about graduate research in the mathematical sciences
- networking opportunities
- advice on preparing applications for graduate school (masters and PhD)
The conference is a HCM event which will take place at MPIM. If you have any questions regarding this conference, please contact the HCM at grow-bonn$@$hcm$.$uni-bonn$.$de.
For more information and registration please visit the HCM website.
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Conference for Young Number Theorists in Bonn
Conference for Young Number Theorists in Bonn, September 11 - 15, 2023
The aim of the conference is to bring together early-stage career researchers in number theory (PhD students and postdocs who have obtained their PhD in 2021 or later). We hope that the friendly and engaging atmosphere will encourage the participants to ask questions and discuss their research freely, talk about future job applications and other important aspects of a career in academia. Furthermore, participants will be able to apply to give talks to describe the problems they are working on.
We try to support hotel costs for as many participants as possible who need help with funding. If you are not necessarily dependent on funding from us, it would therefore be appreciated if you used other sources. Please indicate in the registration form if you will need financial support form us. However, we ask for your understanding that we cannot cover travel costs; participants are expected to cover that from their own travel funds.
Valentin Blomer (University of Bonn)
Gerd Faltings (MPIM Bonn)
Peter Scholze (MPIM Bonn)
Petru Constantinescu (EPFL)
Stevan Gajović (Charles University Prague)
Sally Gilles (MPIM Bonn)
Pieter Moree (MPIM Bonn)
Lazar Radičević (Laboratoire de mathématiques de Besançon)
As of June 1, 2023 the registration has been closed as announced. We ask for your understanding that due to a very high number of applications, we can not allow late registrations.
Hotel reservations
If you would like us to make a hotel reservation for you, please state this on the registration webform. We can only honor requests for hotel reservations made by us. If you would like to make a hotel reservation by yourself you will find a list of hotels here.
For any further inquiries please send an email to yobo23$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de .
Warning: Hotel scam alert: There is a hotel scam going around contacting people from conferences regarding accommodation. Please DO NOT reply to them or give out any credit card/personal information! We do not work with any travel agencies and we will only contact you through official MPIM e-mail-addresses.
Policy for the Max Planck Society against discrimination, harassment and violence.
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Conference on "Motives and Automorphic Forms" in Honour of Günter Harder's 85th Birthday
Conference on "Motives and Automorphic Forms" in Honour of Günter Harder's 85th Birthday, March 6 - 10, 2023
Following a line of research culminating in the works of Weil, Eichler, Shimura and Taniyama, then further pushed by the emerging of the Langlands program, many deep and fruitful bridges between automorphic forms and algebraic geometry have been explored and led to spectacular results. During the fifty years span from the proof of Ramanujan’s conjecture on the discriminant modular form, using the validity of the Weil conjectures in algebraic geometry over finite fields, to the recent proof of the Sato-Tate conjectures for elliptic curves over CM fields, using automorphic machinery, it has been clearly established that the interaction between these two fields has amazing applications in both directions. Moreover, several guiding principles in this area have been inspired by the philosophy of motives, which has now developed into a mature theory providing not only heuristics, but concrete and sophisticated new tools to attack problems. The aim of the conference is to present the state of the art of the field by gathering leading experts at the crossroads of automorphic forms, arithmetic geometry and representation theory, and celebrating Günter Harder’s influence on these topics.
In case you have any questions, please contact harder85$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de.
Financial support
We encourage participants to seek external funding, so that the limited financial support available can be primarily used for early career mathematicians. In case you do need financial support, you can indicate this in the registration form.
As of November 27, 2022 the registration is closed. The total number of participants is limited and, after the deadline, we will inform the registered participants that were not already invited if participation is possible.
The conference will NOT be available online/as a hybrid event.
Hotels nearby
For a list of hotels near the MPIM, please see here.
Hotel scam alert: There is a hotel scam going around contacting people from conferences regarding accommodation. Please DO NOT reply to them or give out any credit card/personal information! We do not work with any travel agencies and we will only contact you through official MPIM e-mail-addresses.
3 short courses
A. Raghuram - Fordham University (online talk)
Short course of 3 lectures on Eisenstein Cohomology
Marc Levine - University Duisburg-Essen
Short course of 3 lectures on Motivic Cohomology
Jörg Wildeshaus - University Paris-Nord
Short course of 3 lectures on Shimura Varieties and Interior motives
Main speakers
Nicolas Bergeron - DMA, École normale supérieure (online talk)
Valentin Blomer - University of Bonn
Jessica Fintzen - University of Bonn
Michael Harris - Columbia University
Jochen Heinloth - University Duisburg-Essen
Kartik Prasanna - University of Michigan Ann-Arbor
Peter Scholze - MPIM Bonn
Joachim Schwermer - University of Vienna
Jitendra Bajpai
Mattia Cavicchi - University Paris-Saclay
Christian Kaiser - MPIM Bonn
Pieter Moree - MPIM Bonn
Policy for the Max Planck Society against discrimination, harassment and violence.
Recordings and notes can be found in the MPIM archive as soon as they become available.
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Conference on "Arithmetic Statistics, Automorphic Forms and Ergodic Methods"
Conference on "Arithmetic Statistics, Automorphic Forms and Ergodic Methods", April 24 - 28, 2023
The field of arithmetic statistics is a fast-moving area of number theory, dealing with distributional results for many basic and important objects: ranks of elliptic curves, central values of L-functions, number fields, modular symbols, orbits of discrete groups etc. The techniques involved come from diverse areas of mathematics e.g. automorphic forms, ergodic theory, spectral theory, dynamical systems, probabilistic number theory, representation theory and random matrix theory. This workshop intends to bring together researchers of all career levels to present their work and exchange ideas and techniques on arithmetic statistics. Motivated by the programme of Mazur and Rubin based on their computational study of elliptic curves over abelian extensions of fixed degree, the meeting will focus on modular symbols, Manin's noncommutative modular symbols, equidistribution of lattice points on the sphere, Heegner points, and closed geodesics, including the error term in the Prime Geodesic Theorem.
There will be invited talks lasting 50 or 25 minutes and other events aimed at facilitating discussions among participants.
In case you have any questions, please contact aristat$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de.
Financial support
We encourage participants to seek external funding, so that the limited financial support available can be primarily used for early career mathematicians. In case you do need financial support, you can indicate this in the registration form.
As of November 30, 2022 the registration is closed. The total number of participants is limited and, after the deadline, we will inform the registered participants in January 2023 if participation is possible.
Hotels nearby
For a list of hotels near the MPIM, please see here.
Hotel scam alert: There is a hotel scam going around contacting people from conferences regarding accommodation. Please DO NOT reply to them or give out any credit card/personal information! We do not work with any travel agencies and we will only contact you through official MPIM e-mail-addresses.
Main speakers
Edgar Assing - University of Bonn
Sandro Bettin - University of Genova
Valentin Blomer - University of Bonn
Claire Burrin - ETH Zürich
Petru Constantinescu - EPFL
Alex Cowan - Harvard
Sary Drappeau - Aix-Marseille Université
Gergely Harcos - Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics
Jeff Hoffstein - Brown University
Emmanuel Kowalski - ETH Zürich
Jungwon Lee - University of Warwick
Seonhee Lim - Seoul National University
Asbjørn Nordentoft - Université Paris Sorbonne Nord
Jennifer Park - Ohio State University
Anke Pohl - University of Bremen
Morten Risager - University of Copenhagen
Hae-Sang Sun - UNIST
Matthew Welsh - University of Bristol
Nikos Diamantis - University of Nottingham
Min Lee - University of Bristol
Pieter Moree - Max Planck Institute for Mathematics
Yiannis Petridis - University College London
We thank Barry Mazur and Karl Rubin for the permission to use the above figure:
Policy for the Max Planck Society against discrimination, harassment and violence.
Virtual ICM 2022. Live stream and in person talks at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics

No live stream at MPIM on the weekend (July 9+10).
IMU Award Ceremony on July 5th
The Azat Miftakhov Days Against the War
Program of the Virtual ICM 2022
If you haven't registered for the ICM Online-Plattform, you can watch ICM 2022 on the IMU Youtube Channel, which collects recordings and shows (some) talks as live stream.
The in person talks given in the MPIM lecture hall will be on:
Monday, July 11, 14:15-15:00h (Schölkopf)
Tuesday, July 12, 14:15-15:00h (Levine)
Wednesday, July 13, 10:15-11:15 (Stroppel)
For technical reasons, it will not be feasible to ask questions during the talks. For the audience in the lecture hall, there will be a short discussion after each talk. Here is the time table for the talks of the virtual ICM 2022.
Registration for award ceremony and talks of Fields medalists on July 5+6
Virtual ICM
Live streams are available here and on the IMU Youtube channel
Arithmetic Groups and 3-Manifolds, May 16-20, 2022
Arithmetic Groups and 3-Manifolds
Arithmetic groups provide a fruitful link between various areas, such as geometry, topology, representation theory and number theory. Methods from geometry and topology hinge on the fact that arithmetic groups are lattices in Lie groups, whereas the theory of automorphic forms establishes a connection to representation theory and number theory. This interplay is especially intriguing in the setting of hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Indeed many conjectures in 3-manifold theory tend to be much more accessible for hyperbolic 3-manifolds whose fundamental groups are arithmetic, and conversely such manifolds provide the simplest set-up in which some of the most exciting new phenomena in the Langlands program can be studied. This conference will bring together researchers with various backgrounds around links between number theory and 3-manifolds. Central topics of the conference are the cohomology of arithmetic groups, the relation between torsion and L²-torsion, profinite invariants of 3-manifolds, and number theoretic ramifications.
Limited funding to cover travel cost and accommodation is available for early carreer participants.
The conference is planned as a hybrid event.
Who can participate?
We are currently planning to run the event according to the "3G" rule, which means you have to be fully vaccinated (with a EU-recognized vaccine, at least 2 doses, last vaccination at least 14 days previously) OR recovered from Covid (positive test min. 28 days and max. 90 days old) OR tested (certified negative test result not older than 24 h (rapid antigen test) or 48 h (PCR test)). There currently is a mask obligation in the institute.
It will be announced here, in case these regulations change.
The registration is now closed.
If you have questions, please contact
For the schedule see the "details/program" above.
In person:
Misha Belolipetsky - IMPA
Tobias Berger - University of Sheffield
Nathan Dunfield - UIUC
Dawid Kielak - University of Oxford
Boris Okun - UW Milwaukee / MPIM
Anke Pohl University of Bremen
Jean Raimbault - Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse
Cameron Rudd - UIUC
William Stagner - Rice University
Matthew Stover - Temple University
Martin Bridson - University of Oxford
Mikolaj Fraczyk - University of Chicago
Luis Garcia - UCL, London
Michael Lipnowski - McGill University
Clara Löh - University Regensburg
Ben McReynolds - Purdue University
Aurel Page - INRIA
Bram Petri - Jussieu
Tian An Wong - University of Michigan-Dearborn
Holger Kammeyer - Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
Steffen Kionke - FernUniversität in Hagen
Alan Reid - Rice University / MPIM
Haluk Șengün - University of Sheffield
Policy for the Max Planck Society against discrimination, harassment and violence.
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Algebra, Geometry and Physics: a mathematical mosaic

On the occasion of Yuri I. Manin's 85th birthday
A virtual event, March 8-10, 2022
In order to participate virtually, please register for the conference. - The registration for this conference is now closed. -
Recordings: Some talks were recorded and are available here
- Mikhail Kapranov - Kavli IPMU (slides)
- Matilde Marcolli - Caltech (slides)
- Ralph Kaufmann - Purdue University (slides)
- Ivan Penkov - Jacobs University Bremen (slides)
- Yuri Zarhin - MPIM Bonn, PennState (slides)
- Arend Bayer - University of Edinburgh
- Maxim Kontsevich - IHES (slides)
- Vera Serganova - UC Berkeley (slides)
Epilogue: Truth, its role and form in mathematics. A personal account (by Ralph Kaufmann)
- Pieter Moree - MPIM
- Ivan Penkov - Jacobs University Bremen
- Maxim Smirnov - MPIM, Augsburg University
Conference on "Algebraic Topology, in memory of Hans-Joachim Baues", October 17 - 21, 2022
A conference on Algebraic Topology, in memory of Hans-Joachim Baues
This conference is intended to provide an overview of current research in homotopy theory, which has vastly expanded since its roots in the 19th century from the study of topological spaces by algebraic and combinatorial means to other fields of mathematics, including algebraic geometry, differential topology, and mathematical physics.
We will have morning talks presenting comprehensive viewpoints by a selection of experts, with the afternoon dedicated to more specialized talks - all of which should be accessible to a general audience of homotopy theorists.
We are planning to hold the conference as a hybrid event. However, due to the still unpredictable course of the pandemic, we reserve the right to organisational changes.
If you have any questions, please contact conference$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de.
Hotels nearby
For a list of hotels near the MPIM, please see here.
Hotel scam alert: There is a hotel scam going around contacting people from conferences regarding accommodation. Please DO NOT reply to them or give out any credit card/personal information! We do not work with any travel agencies and we will only contact you through official MPIM e-mail-addresses.
Main speakers:
Clemens Berger - Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis
Carles Casacuberta - Universitat de Barcelona
Paul Goerss - Northwestern University
Drew Heard - NTNU Trondheim
Alice Hedenlund - University Uppsala
Hans-Werner Henn - Université de Strasbourg
Kathryn Hess - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Wolfgang Lueck - University of Bonn
Martin Markl - The Czech Academy of Sciences
Ieke Moerdijk - Universiteit Utrecht
Viktoriya Ozornova - Max Planck Institute for Mathematics
Doug Ravenel - University of Rochester
Birgit Richter - Universität Hamburg
Claudia Scheimbauer - TU München (online talk)
Stefan Schwede - University of Bonn
Andy Tonks - Universidad de Málaga
Sarah Whitehouse - University of Sheffield
Lior Yanovski - Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tobias Barthel - Max Planck Institute for Mathematics
David Blanc - University of Haifa
Martin Frankland - University of Regina
Fernando Muro - University of Seville
Teimuraz Pirashvili - University of Leicester (online)
Peter Teichner - Max Planck Institute for Mathematics
Policy for the Max Planck Society against discrimination, harassment and violence.
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Twinned Conference on Homotopy Theory with Applications to Arithmetic and Geometry
Twinned Conference on Homotopy Theory with Applications to Arithmetic and Geometry, June 27 - 30, 2022
The field of homotopy theory originated in the study of topological spaces up to deformation, but has since been applied effectively in several other disciplines. Indeed, homotopical ideas led to the resolution of several long-standing open conjectures, for instance on smooth structures on spheres, the moduli of curves, and the cohomology of fields. More recently, Bhatt, Morrow, and Scholze used homotopical methods to compare different cohomology theories for algebraic varieties, thereby resolving open questions in arithmetic geometry. In a similarly arithmetic vein, Galatius and Venkatesh initiated the study of Galois representations with homotopical means, whereas Clausen and Scholze revisited the foundations of analytic topology. These and other recent developments in the interface of arithmetic and topology opened up new lines of attack towards classical open questions, which sparked a wide range of current research activities. This conference intends to survey some of the most spectacular recent advances in the fields, thereby paving the way to new developments and future interactions. Our goal is to foster scientific exchange and collaboration between established researchers, emerging leaders, early career mathematicians, and graduate students.
This will be a split transatlantic conference taking place at the Fields Institute in Canada and the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Germany, with videoconferencing connections in place to help collaboration. The concept of the twinned conference was motivated by the desire to reduce environmental impact of conference travels. Our hope is that this initiative will help reduce transatlantic flights, while still promoting long distance interactions. The goal of this twinned conference is to bring together experts on Homotopy Theory and adjacent areas to discuss the forefront of current developments in this highly active field.
We especially welcome applications from members of minority groups.
Policy for the Max Planck Society against discrimination, harassment and violence.
Financial support
There is limited financial support available from our side but we also encourage participants to seek external fundings. You are welcome to apply for financial support in the registration form and you will be informed if you will receive any fundings in due time.
Hotels nearby
For a list of hotels near the MPIM, please see here.
If you would like to participate, please register with the institute that is closest to your location.
Please either register with the Fields Institute in Canada, or register with the Max Planck Institute in Germany until March 20, 2022 (registration is closed).
Confirmed Speakers
Joana Cirici - Universitat de Barcelona
Dustin Clausen - University of Copenhagen
Lars Hesselholt - University of Copenhagen / Nagoya University
Oscar Randal-Williams - University of Cambridge
Peter Scholze - Max Planck Institute for Mathematics / University of Bonn
Nathalie Wahl - University of Copenhagen
North America
Ben Antieau - Northwestern University
David Ayala - Montana State University
Akhil Mathew - University of Chicago
Kate Ponto - University of Kentucky
Jenny Wilson - University of Michigan
Inna Zakharevich - Cornell University
Tobias Barthel - Max Planck Institute for Mathematics
Agnès Beaudry - University of Colorado Boulder
Lukas Brantner - CNRS (Université Paris-Saclay) / University of Oxford
Ian Hambleton - McMaster University
André Henriques - University of Oxford
Ben Knudsen - Northeastern University
Aaron Mazel-Gee - California Institute of Technology
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